Chapter Ten

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WCKD had upped the security by a considerable amount, guards were at every post, there was no rota left half planned, and every soldier was on explicit orders to destroy us. It wasn't surprising with the revolution getting more serious, but it would've been nice to have them ease up on the patrols. Then again, where's the fun in that?

After my talk with Gally, I couldn't bare to be in my own head, it was like every thought I'd ever had collided with overwhelming force, radiations of memories bouncing around their war in no man's land, leaving no room for anything else.

The fact that we had kissed, me and Gally, Gally and me, together, kissing, also took up a substantial space in amongst the ear numbing battle cries of thoughts charging at eachother, ignorant to the disruption they were causing.

"Jack?" Gallys voice blared, shooting my eardrums into a new frame of attentiveness, focusing on the steady humming of a grey box Gally was pointing at, sub level 3.

After taking a look at it, I nodded enthusiastically. "I can get in there." I chucked a walkie to Thomas who was keeping an eye on Teresa, whilst me and Gally were working on the electrical point.

"Chuck me the drill." I asked whilst holding a hand out to Gally who promptly passed me it. I wasted no time and pierced the metal with the tool, sending sparks spitting in different directions.

My eyes wandered aimlessly beside me, glancing over a textured hand, hanging from a muscly arm, twitching with nerves. What I wanted to be a timeless glance, became a drowning sea of blue, Gallys creased furrowed brows above the visor he was wearing, his squinting blue eyes no longer squeezed shut, instead they twinkled up at me, holding a sense of fear, anticipation. It worried me.

I felt myself draw in a sharp breath, and just like that, the grey door swung open with a bang, revealing several tangled wires and a few switches. "Uh- This'll work." I confirmed, clearing my throat in an idiotic flush of red rushing to my cheeks. Thomas nodded once, then spoke into the walkie-talkie.

"Brenda, what's your status?"

"Status is, I'm working on it." Brenda's static voice blared back through the walkie, the sound of scouts driving past scrambling the frequency.

"Copy, just make sure you're ready on your end."

"Don't worry, you know I'm gonna be there." She answered, and with that, there was silence.

"Now or never." I sighed, snapping a wire in the electrical unit and connecting it to my gadget before flicking the switch on the side. "That should've cut everything in that room," I grin smugly, sticking the gadget to the inside of the door and proudly slamming it shut.

"We need to hurry."

Teresa lead us down two flights of stairs to a huge mechanical door, but before she could press her thumb to the ID, someone had already opened it.

"Oh shit!" I yelped, firing one blast of the electric rifle to knock the soldier to the ground. Everyone turned to me, looking me up and down with raised brows and blasé expressions. "What? He could've killed you I just saved your lives."

We stormed the room, luckily they were outnumbered. I grabbed the soldier I'd hit by the collar, pressing my hand gun from my holster into his head. "The vault, how do I get in?"

"You can't." He panted back.

"Useless." I shoved him back to the ground in annoyance before following Teresa. "Get the cells open." I demanded, and she promptly began tapping codes into the consoles outside each of the holding cells.

Finally, the doors were opened and we ushered all the Immunes out. They were all so pale, they'd drained them of almost every last drop, and that still wasn't enough, it would never be enough.

I went over to the vault, examining its thick metal door and mechanical lock that would take too long to decipher, our only way in was force. "Fellas, this is gonna take some time." I huffed, taking out a blowtorch.

"Someone's moved him over to the medical wing." I heard Teresa say over the blasts of fire, "Thomas, that's on the other side of the building."

Well shuck.

"Take me to him, right now." Thomas determinedly ordered, pulling his mask back over his face whilst reloading his gun.

"I'm coming with you." Newt piped in, pulling his mask over his sweating brow as Thomas had done. I whipped my head round to look at Newt, I wanted to beg him not to go, yet I decided against it. I should have no reason for him to stay.

"Newt no, you have to stay with these guys and wait for the serum."

"You can't do this on your own," Newt persisted, "Minho comes first, remember?"

"Just go we're wasting time!" Gally called out, rounding up the Immunes so that they were all together.

"Don't worry," I paused, looking over my shoulder at the two. "We'll meet you out there with the serum. Just be quick."

"Fine. Let's go." With that, Thomas, Newt and Teresa jogged out and back up the stairs to head over to the medical wing.

"Yes!" I exclaimed, the door of the vault crashing to the floor revealing beautiful blue serum tubes.

Gally was already racing ahead, packing each vial into a bag and securely zipping it up. "We have a ride outside, just stay close to us." I turned to an older boy, who seemed to be more composed than the others.

"You." I placed the dufflebag in his hands, "You guard this with your life you understand?" He nodded bravely, tightly gripping the bag of precious cargo. I looked to Gally, this was it.


"Go go go go." Gally directed, the kids following his bent down action to avoid the guards who were fortunately too busy rushing around to notice us.

"Brenda? Where are you? We're here." Gally spoke in a hushed tone over the walkie, before a bus came hurtling towards us. Stopping abruptly with an ear splitting shriek.

"Come on let's go!" She shouted out the window, her short hair frazzled from the wind and her expression manically wild.

Partly starstruck from our most recent near-death experience, we began to load the Immunes into the bus. We urged them all onboard, the kid with the serum being the last on.

"Wait, where's Thomas?" Brenda asked suddenly.

"We were hoping he'd be here with you." We all exchanged panicked looks, before I pulled my mask back over my face. There wasn't any time to contemplate.

"We'll go find him." I said, desperately pulling Gally along and back into the building, our guns in hand.

We stopped outside the far end of WCKD, both of us breathless. "They would've been here by now if they hadn't got held up," I panted. "Where the bloody hell could they be?"

"Let's go back to-" Gally was cut off by the shards of glass shattering on the concrete floor in front of us. Our eyes shot up to three figures free falling into a fountain of water from at least 50 stories up, followed by an almighty splash. "Nevermind."

"Holy shit." I lifted my mask to get a better view of the three crashing at high altitude into the water. "Your friends are crazy." I laughed, quickly pulling my mask back down at the sight of a squadron of WCKD soldiers closing in.

"Tell me about it."

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