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"I was so worried." Gally mumbled, his lips still captivating mine, his compassionate caution melting me into him. He slid his hands over mine, so that they held them locked around his neck. He delicately glided his thumb over my fingers, every touch and reminder that this was real emulating with relief. My head pulsated with electricity, bubbling ripples warming me from the inside out, overpowering me with a violent relaxant, stripping every ounce of concern from my battered side and unorganised mind.

"Eugh! Get a room, shanks." Minhos voice called from behind me, scoffing following in its interruptive course.

I turned away from Gally to look over my shoulder, breaking the kiss, glaring at Minho and Fry, who were sheepishly jogging up to us.

Gally huffed loudly, still holding my hands so that they were hung around his neck. The two gladers looked to eachother, laughing quietly to themselves.  I'd figured Gally then, had given them some sort of glare as I had from behind me.

"Vince is gathering us all up, it sounded important so he sent us to come get you guys." Fry quickly explained, nodding his head towards the crowds snaking into a messily formed semi circle around an enormous rock facing the ocean.

As we grew closer, Vince had gathered the 'Munies and the normal kids alike to present us with a chisel and small pebble, standing before us with the reassurance of victory still in us. We were safe. The only question that remained, was 'for how long?'

As I turned to Gally, his rough hands interlinked with mine, quietly hidden behind my back as he pressed his side towards me, bumping my hip so that he swayed to the side.

"In your own time, and in your own way, come make your peace." There was a round of applause for Vince, my hand fell to my side as Gally cheered and clapped approvingly, a gentle wrinkle in the corners of his eyes surfacing as he began to smile.

The blonde ponytailed man then handed a kid the chisel, using it to engrave the name 'Amber' in jagged writing on a large, central stone. The centre piece of the haven, our obnoxious beacon of hope, another reminder.

I slowly thought of Newt. Only uneasy jagged pieces were coming back, like how his hair was like mine, how his forehead crinkled when he was confused, how his eyes were always giving you their full attention, yet I still had no idea who he truly was; but one thing I knew for sure, is that I would not let go as easily as that, and write his name in that stupid rock.

"Jack!" Thomas called over the cheering, pulling me aside. He'd woken up, and as I thought so, I mentally scolded myself for almost forgetting about him completely. However leaving me no time to respond, he continued.

"Newt gave me this pendant, it had two notes inside, one for me and the other one," he paused, handing me a crumpled letter with scruffy handwriting covering it. "is for you."

I cleared my throat, watching it for a minute, reaching out a hand for the note, my heart churning to know it's contents. "Thank you." I replied quickly, looking up from the paper and exchanging sympathetic smiles with him. I looked briefly over to Gally, who had been occupied in a conversation with Brenda. I was aching to read the letter, my confusing ideas colliding with one another unsuspectingly in my head.

Before long, I hurriedly pulled myself away to the emptiness of the Homestead, carefully easing myself onto a hammock, weakly unfolding the crumpled piece of paper with my name scribbled onto the front.

Dear Jack,

I know you'll find this strange, since we haven't known eachother very long, and I'm afraid I won't be around long enough to know you now at
  all. I haven't written any letters before, well if I had I suppose I wouldn't remember, but I've decided this is my first one.

I just wanted you to know that I'm not scared. Well not of dying anyway, I'm more scared that you won't remember me. Before the Maze. I would've
told you, but when I realised that you were my
sister, it was too late.

I'm hoping you must at least have some of your memories by the time you're reading this, and if I
was still here I would've helped you. We would've taken care of eachother like we did when we were with Ava. And I'm sorry I can't be there to take care
   of you now.

So make sure that you look after yourself, I   
   know I haven't exactly been around to do it but I need you to be brave, like you always are. Like you always have been. You're the toughest person I know, remember that, and take care of everyone for me, I know you will.

I hope can forgive me.

I've missed you Jack,


I refolded his letter, following the practiced creases of each previous fold to make sure it stayed exactly how Newt had designed it.

I fell back into the hammock, the heaving swing of the soft material swaying underneath me, as I sullenly stared at the sky through the hastily built infrastructure.

My memories erupted patternlessly, their remains scattering through the abyss of my befuddlement. What did any of this mean? I couldn't stand it, my eyes lay in their dazed state, lulling into a blurred escape removing the detail of everything around me.

I vaguely registered myself tipping to the side, into a warm presence laying against me, his heavy breath relaxing against my ear. His buff shoulders keeping me tightly against his predictably beating heart, reassuring me of him. His soft lips planting kisses over my neck and cheek.

"Hey, Eyebrows." I spoke, closing my eyes and facing his puffed out chest, resting my head, placing the letter carefully into my pocket.

"That nickname is never going away, is it?"


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