Chapter 2

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It's been two days since Nyx and I left our home. We have been sleeping in the back of my truck at night and during the day I have been studying the roamers. They are attracted to sound and smell, very clumsy, and very stupid. They won't die unless you destroy the brain and if they bite you, you become one. Today I decided to start scavenging. My truck is still practically full and I'm not in need of anything. My plan is to just collect anything I can get my hands on and burry it somewhere so if I do need it, I know it's there. Plus I haven't seen a living human in a while and I'm starting to worry.

I pull into a parking lot of dollar general and see three walkers. I park far away from them and they start heading to the truck. I hop out quickly, clicking my tongue, Nyx hopped out behind me. Taking out Apollo with one hand I point with two fingers to the roamer furthest to the right with the other. Moving quickly forward and to the left I zip past the closest roamer cutting off the top half of his head in the process. I follow the swing all the way through and on the back swing take of the head of the one behind him. I look over just in time to see Nyx close her jaws on the head of the roamer making blood shoot everywhere.

Clicking my tongue Nyx runs over with her tail wagging happily. "Good job Girl" I say rubbing under her chin. We walk over to the door and I take a dagger and flip the lock through the crack. I push the doors apart just a few inches and step back. Snapping my fingers Nyx makes one loud bark into the store. After a few moments of not hearing movement we enter the store. Taking a look around it looks like no one has been here since the employees locked up, BOOYAH.

I move my finger in a circle and Nyx takes off searching the store for me. After just a minute or two Nyx comes back wagging her tail and I know it's safe. Grabbing a shopping cart I go to the storage bins and grab a couple of the biggest ones I can find. I take one and fill it with batteries, flash lights, battery operated lamps, water purification packets,some random tools because why not, rope, tarps, zips ties and different types of tape. When it's as full as possible I bring it to the front of the store. Next I go to the food and fill the container up with cans of food. The last one I fill up with first aid, generic medicine, pads and tampons, hygiene products, paper plates, plastic silverware, and some of the aluminum water bottles until it's full . Next I grab four 24 packs of water, two of the biggest bags of dog food, a mini grill, two bags of charcoal, then I find a book bag and stuff it with lighters, lighter fluid, and matches. Right after I decide I grabbed enough I look over and grab a good looking book and a carton of Marlboro red 100s. Looking outside I only see one roamer. Opening the door I point with two fingers at the roamer, grab a container and walk to my truck. I turn around and see Nyx trotting over to me happily. I quickly point three fingers towards her and she stops, sits down, and starts scanning around us for danger. I know with her around I'll get a warning from her before anything even comes close.

After everything is loaded up I run back in the store and grab a can of spray paint. Sliding the door almost close I take the lock inside the door and make it stick out a little, very carefully closing the door I slide my dagger down and hear the lock click back into place. Then I take the spray paint and write DEAD INSIDE NOT SAFE in big letters, maybe that will make people seconds guess before trying to do exactly what I just did.

Driving down the road I pull in backwards in the driveway of a nice house I remembered seeing. I loved this house because it has a huge wrap around porch. After making sure the residents were not occupying the house Nyx and I went over to the back of the house next to the shed and .... bingo! There was a shovel. I started digging a hole about the size of a small four door car and 4 feet deep. I go back to the truck and start carrying everything over. Taking out two tarps and two ropes, I cut both ropes in half. I took two halves and tied them to two side of the tarp so each side had a handle. I make it so the tarp covers the inside of the hole and start piling everything on the tarp. I quickly start filling the hole with dirt after I got to the half way mark I pushed the rope handles over and continued filling the dirt.

Walking down the road I see the perfect car. A Ford Escape sits in the driveway of a near by house. Taking out a hand full of roamers Nyx and I make it to the car to see it's unlocked but no keys anywhere. Going up to the house I twist the door open and crack it slightly snapping my fingers Nyx barks once into the house. Growls and feet shuffling can be heard upstairs. We go in the house and shut the door. I send Nyx to check the first floor while I keep an eye on the stairs. She comes back and stares at the stairs. Walking up the stairs slowly with me in front it sounds like the roamers are stuck in the first room so we quickly clear the other rooms before coming back to the first. I quickly swing the door open and jump back. Two roamers who must have been an elderly couple slowly shuffle out I quickly slice through both heads in one swing with Artemis. Checking the house we find the keys in a purse downstairs.

Me and Nyx get in the car and drive back to where I dug the hole. I park the car directly over the hole so the area of dirt in the middle of the yard with grass looks like it's from the car sitting so long. I get out and pop the trunk and check to make sure it has a spare. Afterwards I take my dagger and stab the drivers front side tire. I throw the other tarp over the car and use the other two halves of the rope to tie it down so if a storm hits it won't be blown off. Finally done and I'm starving. Food here I come.

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