Chapter 6

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"Ex..excuse me. Could you tell me what's going on?" He asked softly looking very confused. I was still in shock and didn't say anything. Which made him walk down the stairs... right to the bodies. He started stumbling his way to me while starting to hyperventilate. I quickly closed the back of the truck up with Izzy still coloring. I walked up to him and grabbed him by the arms he jumped startled not realizing I walked over.

"Hey it's okay, it's okay. Come on and let's get you in the truck," I said talking softly. I'm not sure what happened to him but he is not okay. He was very weak and the truck was so high I had to use my strength to toss him in the seat. He's so out of it he didn't even realize. Once I got in I handed him a water bottle and a granola bar. He went through them so fast I gave him another of each. I gave him time didn't even move the truck yet. Once he started lookin a little better I decided it was time.

"I'm Sergeant First Class Haley Johnson. The beautiful girl in the back is my adopted daughter Izzy," I said looking him directly in the eyes.

"Deputy Sheriff Rick Grimes," he said back shaking my hand.

"Well Rick what's the last thing you remember before the hospital?" I asked softly.

"I.. I was shot. Me and my partner answered a call for a high speed road chase and it turned into a gun fight," he said with his face scrunched up.

"Well you must have been out of it for a while. 8 weeks ago a virus started spreading. Turning people into monsters that eat any living thing that moves. 6 weeks ago the military dropped napalm bombs in the streets of Atlanta. I've only seen a handful of living people since then including you," I said explaining slowly and making sure he was following along. As I talked his eyes get bigger and his jaw dropped.

"Impossible," he said shaking his head back and forth. "Lori! Carl! Please can you give me a ride home?!" After a second of letting it sink in.

"Of course," I said immediately. Starting the truck and listening to his directions. As soon as we pulled up he was out of the truck running to the house. "Izzy baby did you want to come with me?" I asked the little girl. Seconds later her head was sticking through the window nodding with a smile. " Alright but bring your bow just in case," I told her even if she wasn't the best yet I wanted her used to bringing it with her.

We both got out, I looked around and realized Morgan is staying in a house just a couple blocks down. The two of us quickly walked into Rick's house and shut his door. I heard him yelling for his family before he started to cry. I felt awkward not knowing the crying man in front of me. Then he looked around and started going through cabinets and drawers mumbling that they were alive.

"Rick?" I called out to him softly. He turned around quick.

"The photos and the albums are gone. Their clothes are gone that means they left right? Right?!" He asked desperately.

"Absolutely," I said with a smile on face. Knowing that's the first thing women usually grab. Honestly there was a very small chance of them being alive but I had a feeling they were. "How bout you go get some clothes on hm?" I suggested. He suddenly looked down and turned red embarrassed. Quickly he went to one of the bedrooms. Izzy was quiet standing beside me with her quiver on her back and bow in hand. He came out dressed looking more like the country guy he is.

"I know you have already been so kind to me but if you could help me find my family. I would be indebted to you for life," he said very seriously.

"I was already planning on it, Rick Grimes," I said chuckling softly.

"Can I use your potty,mister?" Izzy asked him sweetly.

"Of course sweetheart. It's that door right there," he pointed to the bathroom. "I'm going to step outside get some air," he said to me when she walked away.

"Alright but be careful. There are some roamers around," I warned him.

"Roamers?" He asked.

"That's what I call em. Couldn't think of a better name," I replied with a shrug. He walks outside with a nod. Honestly he is taking this very well. A minute or two later Izzy pops back out and skips over to me just as I hear Duane yelling outside. I run outside with a throwing knife in each hand. Within seconds one is buried in the skull of the walker in front of Rick and Duane. I look over to see Rick laying on the ground in a daze with Duane behind him holding a shovel. Morgan comes running over pointing his gun at Rick.

"Wait! He's not a roamer!" I yelled running over with Izzy behind me. Morgan looks up at me and nods his head. Rick chooses then to pass out. I carried Rick inside the house they were staying in after Morgan offered us to stay the night. I grabbed my medical bag, Izzy's coloring stuff, and food for dinner inside as roamers started crowding the streets.

After fixing Rick's gun shot wound up. I waited by his side for him to wake up. Morgan was making dinner and the kids were joking around. While we ate dinner the two of us told Rick everything we know about the walkers. I decided I like the term walkers better after Rick called them that.

Eventually as it got dark Rick asked about my eyes as they started to glow. I sigh as I share a look with Morgan. I had to tell Morgan the first night I met him too, if it wasn't for Isabella he would have kicked me out right then but the next day I had left after promising more supplies. I really don't think Morgan thought he would see me again and I really hope Rick doesn't react that way.

"About 5 weeks ago I was saving some kids from walkers when I was bit. I got them to their family and left. After a couple hours I passed out, I woke up days later I think. When I did I noticed some changes my eyes being one of them but I don't want to eat you I promise," I said getting louder in the end as I saw his eyes get big. He opened his mouth and closed it repeating the process a few times while his eyebrows crinkled in thought.

"How?Why? What other changes?" He asked after getting his thoughts together.

"My best guess for the how is when I was a prisoner of war. Bout 6 months ago or so my team and I were sent on a mission to gather intel on a weapon supposedly being made by Iraq and their allies. We were captured and tortured for information, they would give us drugs. I thought they were to keep us subdued but I guess not. Which would also mean... the weapon.... It's bio warfare," I said slowly connecting the dots that I somehow let slip through until now. I look at Morgan and Rick to see them gaping at me.

"If that's true you need to get to the CDC. Maybe the doctors could use your blood to stop this thing!" Morgan said standing up excitedly. I could tell Rick wanted to agree but then thought of his family and gave me a worried look. I gave him a smile.

"Don't worry Rick we will find your family then head to the CDC," I said reassuring him. He gave me a thankful nod. We then spent the rest of the night talking Morgan into coming with us until we gave up going to bed for the night.

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