Demon Route: Diablo and Dwargon

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Rimuru pov

I'm back at the nation mama destroyed

Why? To continue our journey from where we left of

I then continued walking northeast

However now that I'm evolved I can see that someone Is watching me

So I decided to summon that person

A demon summoning circle appeared and a man with mainly black feature appeared

“O supreme one, may I ask to be your humble servant?”

Hm from his looks he's probably the most annoying demon back in the underworld

>>Raphael find a good body for him that aren't a big influence<<

<<Understood, the body is at x.... y.... z...>>

>>Good work<<

I then manipulate the shadow of that man to suck him in the darkness and put him here Infront of me

“Huh what where am I? Who are you!”

“Just kill him and use him as your body as your offering”


The man is screaming and tried to run away but of course that is no use

“Such a fine body as an offering as expected from the supreme one”

“so why did you wanted to serve me?”

“I have been watching Shizue Izawa since the last time we fought and when she meet you I'm determined to serve you no matter what”

“So you know the students she teaches?”

“of course my lord”

“i see, then you need to save them and show me the proof that they're okay then you'll be accepted”

“Consider it done” and he teleported away

Well let's continue on our way

A few days later

Ah there's a gate on the mountain that's probably Dwargon

Hmm I can see that they charged money to get inside and a long line outside

Yep I ain't doing any of that

So I get inside my shadow and appeared inside the city

Well time to have fun here

... It's not going to be fun if I'm alone ...

>>Raphael get out<<

<<I don't need to>>

>>Come on it will be better<<


A Dark fog appeared beside me and a body come out from it almost the same look as me but her hair is white like a Cloud at a nice bright day

He~? She's more feminine looking with those curve's

(Her clothes looked like Ciel one's)

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