Dragon Route: A new feeling

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Rimuru pov

It's nice to walk through the forest, there's a few spots where the light can pass through making it looks beautiful

And it seems like Shizu agrees, I'm currently on Her arm feeling comfy

Anyway I decided to ask

“Hey Shizu, is it not tiring to walk with me on your arms?”

“Not really you're not that heavy, although it is a bit awkward holding you like this ha ha...” why is her face getting more red?

“What's wrong?”

“N-nothing, don't worry about it”

“Alright then. Hey have you been going to this area of the forest?” I changed the topic

“No I haven't been in a marshland before”

“Hey Shizu... You won't leave me right?”

She then stopped and look at me directly


“I don't know why I asked this, I just feels like I have to”

“actually... No, I don't think we can be together much longer”

“Eh? But you're my destined one!”

“I know, it's just that... I have been living for too long...”

“So what? You can live longer right?”

“I'm afraid not because the spirit inside me...”

Is that the only reason for her to not being together with me longer? Then you spirit readies yourself

I quickly used predator which she then resisted

“Rimuru what is this!”

“Don't worry Shizu, it won't be long”

After quite some time she finally get inside me. Alright then let's go!

Firstly I separated her from the spirit, then created two copies of it one without an ego and the other one is just for me to absorb. As for the real one I just send it to Veldora. I then copied Shizu and absorbed the copy while giving her the new spirit

And now there's nothing on our way anymore!

I put her out and she's still unconscious after that

Hmm let's check out something

I analyze the Shizu that I absorbed and transformed into human

Woah I'm tall! Wait I'm taller than her? How?..... Is it because of my race?... Why did I don't have those on Shizu's chest... Eh let's not think about that for now. Can I copy myself outside the stomach?

I tried it but nothing happened

So I need it to be inside me to copy things noted... Hey wait a minute!

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