Demon Route: Afterwards

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Rimuru pov

I'm walking towards the town where those three and the children staying at

Behind me are the destroyer and the sleeping ruler with two other fallen angel

And when we walk in the town all we could see is terrified expression

Anyway I can see those three with the children and when they saw me Carrera and Ultima suddenly teleported beside me

“Big bro! She took more than I get!” Carrera complained

,“That's not true at all! It's the opposite!” Ultima replied angrily

*Sigh* these two... Well they just become sister recently

I gathered other fears from around the world which is quite plenty at the moment

I shaped them into two orb big enough that they can enjoy for awhile (The size of a basketball)

They saw what I have on my hands and started drooling, they're about to ask for it, but before they do

“I will give both of you these if you two promise to not fight with each other again” I spoke sternly

They look at each other for a moment before answering at the same time

““Of course big bro/onii-chan””

“Great, that's how a sisters should be” I say as I handed them their orbs

They began eating happily before teleporting somewhere else probably because they don't want to be seen like that or just prefer the calmer place

Anyway after they're gone Dino asked

“I'm not dreaming right?”


“Then what did I just see was real?”


“The troublemaker of the underworld become good girls?”

“You can say that yeah”

Before Dino ask the next question Pico also asked

“Did you said sisters?”

“Yes I did”

At this point everyone's jaw dropped to the ground except Milim who gave up understanding what is happening halfway

Just a moment later Testa and the children approached us

“It seems like you brought some interesting people dear”

“Yup I sure did huh”

“Well I doubt this will be a good place to talk so let's go to my place for now” Testa summoned a door that lead to her castle and gestured them to get in

They were a bit hesitant to get in but because Dino nonchalantly entered the door Pico and Gracia think to themselves

‘even a person like Dino entered so why not’
‘okay then let's just go, what the worst thing that could happen?’

After they entered all of the attention goes towards Milim

She started to get awkward and said “what is it?”

“are you not going to go in?”

“no why should I?”

I was actually about to say that she's right but an idea pops up

“well there's some food if you do, you want some right?”

She gets a bit angry before saying “no I don't!”

She said that but her body says otherwise because her stomach growled quite loudly

We stare at her a bit awkwardly again but this time she's blushing before silently going in

I turned my attention back to the childrens that are just confused with a hint of scared look

“So do you guys wants to go with me there or goes back to ingrassia for now?”

The kids looked at each other before looking back at me

“I think we'll be going back to ingrassia for now” Gale the first one to spoke

“Yeah the teachers are probably panicking right now” Kenya have an amused look on his face

“Even though it's been fun being with you, I missed the others guys back there” Ryota voiced his opinion aswell

They are all agreeing with his opinion so I gave them a look of "okay then"

Before I could set a teleport spell or say farewell the girls hugged me

“We will miss you”
“It doesn't mean I like you or anything okay!”

I gave them a headpats before saying “okay I get it, I'll see you all soon” before teleporting all of them back to their schools

After all of that done, I entered the door and it disappeared afterwards

In the underworld

Just after entering the door I'm quite confused as to what is happening

Testa is quite angry at childlike demon while Gracia is the same with Pico

In the corner of the room I see Milim just sitting there blankly and Dino beside her just sleeping

Such a confusing sight...

I approached the two on the corner first and asked what's wrong

. . . No answer

Even though I asked a few times there's no answer from any of them so I gave up and let them do their thing

I turned my attention back to those four who're finally done whatever they're doing before

I crossed my arm and a bit threateningly said

“Mind explaining yourselves?”

Testa is the first one to come forward saying “I'm sorry dear, it is just a small misunderstanding from this young demon” while pushing the small demon forward

The demon quickly kneeled and apologize “Pardon me my lord for the trouble I've caused”

Hm I look at him more closely because he's quite interesting while also reading his memories

So he's the oldest and strongest demon outside of the primordial? I doubt it a little bit but his memories shows that he could live up what he's usually called in the surface which is Archduke of hell

So I spared him

“lift your head up” he did as told and I asked “do you want to work for me?”

His eyes sparkled before looking back down saying “it would be my pleasure”

Alright now to think a name for him

I look around him and the thing that stands out the most is his hair which looked like a moss from underworld

So I named him that

“Then serve me well Moss”

“Yes my lord!” he then started evolving in a cocoon just like the others

His evolution took a minute but his strength is more than tripled

“I'm at your service my lord” His body is now of an adults kneeled Infront if me

... When you're small you're really cute but now you're really handsome, can't you just stick to one?!

Ignoring those thoughts I I gave him his first order “Then go and help Diablo speed up whatever he's doing”

“Understood” he disappeared instantly

What a day


Just putting this out earlier than planned, I didn't want another long wait

I don't know anything else to say so thanks for reading

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