God Route: Top stuff

795 20 3

It'll be quite confusing so be prepared


In the darkness

>>How is that person going to be like?<<

<<Wanna bet?>>

>>Get ready to pout<<

<<No I won't!>>

>>Yes you will<<

<<Shut up just get on the bet already>>

>>Fine fine, I bet they'll be calm and easygoing<<

<<I bet they'll be quite prideful>>

>>Okay let's wait for them then<<

Quite some time later

>>Hey Ciel how long has it been?<<

<<2d 4h 51m and 12s, 13s, 14s,->>

>>Yeah I get it stop<<

I feel a little weird... Why is it so long for them to appear here?

Moreover the quantum fields becoming tangled so suddenly is weird... I didn't know about it happened around this time

It's not me not realizing it, if I don't realize things I still knew about it. But I literally don't know about this happening...

And it seems like Ciel don't know about it either

So it could mean two things, one the beings coming here is super strong to make me don't know them even with Omniscient. Or two, they have an Omniscient a level or more above me

..... Both is not good, especially when I'm supposed to look over the Hyperverse

{I would like to correct master. It is me who look over the Hyperverse}

>>Yes thank you VoTW<<

Anyway back to the individual

It seems like they decided to show themselves... In the most show off way

He's standing right where a supernova is currently happening

How did I know? Well I can kinda see him from some of his shadow

I guess he have been inside that star from the moment he appeared in this universe

Which suggest that he have somekind of time stopping ability

But this does confirm the two things I worried about. He's strong enough to not be affected at all by a supernova, and his Omniscient is higher because he knows that I couldn't see through bright things without darkness

. . . Finally the light is starting to get dimmer and makes it more easier for me to see the person

Wait what? He's looking straight at me? But I'm looking at him from every angle possible

You know what, let's ask him something

[So who are you?]

"I'm just a visitor"

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 29, 2022 ⏰

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