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I sighed as the school bell rang signalling the end of the day, and any other day I would have been exited too but today Rodriguez was coming to mine so he could help me study for History, I hugged Ash goodbye at the door as she got into her Mother's car and Benny caught up with me. "Ready to go princess?" he asked as we started walking towards my car, I had gotten my permit when I had turned sixteen in March. 

I scowled, "don't call me that." I replied getting in at the drivers seat, he smirked, "but it's so fitting, and after seeing this car of yours I can't help but think I was definitely right, I mean come on which normal sixteen year old girl has a white convertible jeep as her first car?" he asked as I stepped on the clutch and shifted to scond gear before stepping on the gas. 

I shrugged, "me, it's not my fault that their parents can't afford to buy them one, but my Dad works just as hard as any of their parents so if you ask me it's fair, unless your questioning my Father's line of work?" I said stonily as drove out of the parking lot and onto the road, he raised his hands up defensively, "no! Of course I'm not I'm just saying that you have nicer things than most of the girls at school." 

I sighed, "I really don't see why that's important enough for you to feel the need to point it out but that doesn't matter because for now I'm going to turn on the radio and pretend I'm in the car by myself."

"Ohmygod." I heard him mutter as I turned on the radio full blast, if I had to spend time with him, then we were going to do it on my terms. 


Her house was stunning, it was large and made of some kind of white stone, it looked like the popular girl's house in one of those chick flicks. She parked the car beside the other ones in the driveway before getting out, locking it and putting the roof back up incase it rained. We walked up to the house and she unlocked the door, taking off her shoes and leaving them beside the coat rack before jesturing for me to follow. I did and then watched as she waked into the main foyer where the marble stairs started as one and then split into two and lead up to the idoor balcony that over looke the floor we were standing on. 

"ALFIE!" She called into the house a large grin on her face, on that she rarely had on when she was near me, a couple seconds later a golden retriever came sprinting out from one of the coridors, she dropped down onto her knees and hugged the dod tightly as it jumped up on her. So we weren't allowed near her clothes but her probably dirtier dog was? 

She got up a scowl on her face, "Alfie this is Benny, we don't like him." she told him stroking his head, he barked as if to agree with her, I rolled my eyes, "did you just introduce me to your dog and then tell him not to like me?" I asked her amused. She shot me an annoyed look, "problem?" she asked sharply, I shook my head stroking her dog as he walked over to sniff my hand, "good, I should hope not." Caroline replied.

We walked into the kitchen and she grabbed two apples from the fruit bowl before reluctantly offering one to me, there were two glassdoors that lead out of the kitchen and into the garden and to the pool. Caroline walked areound the kitchen grabbing the ingrediants for black coffee, once the coffe was boiling she  grabbed a bannana and a plate to put it one before taking teh finished coffee and poured it into a coffe cup. "did you not eat lunch or something?" I asked her eyebrows raised. She rolled her eyes, "it's not for me genius. Also hold this while I'm gone would you?" she shoved her coat and car keys into my hand before leaving.

She walked out of the kitchen and I pushed up onto the counter so I could sit there and eat my apple, after a minute a man with black hair and green-brown eyes walked into the kitchen he looked like he was in his early fifties, he wore glasses and a watch around his wrist. He walked past me before stopping, back tracking and narrowing his eyes at me. 

They travelled down to the car keys and Caroline's coat, "what are you doing in my house?" he asked sharply, I opened my mouth to reply but he cut me off before I could reply, "are you trying to steal from me? Think you're slick do you coming into my house and trying to steal things from me from right under my nose?"

"No! No sir I'm not a theif I'm-" I satredted but he in terrupted me again, "oh so you're just a stranger in my house holiding my daughters car keys and her coat?" 

I could hear someone laugh from the door way behind me as Caroline walked back into the room, her high heels clacked on the floor as she walked over to the man, "Daddy this is Benjamin Rodriguez, Nathalies son." 

Mr. Baker cleared his throat, "then I guess apologies are in order." Caroline stopped next to me, "Rodriguez this is my Dad Jack Baker." she said before taking her things from my hand. Holy shit,  HOLY SHIT! This guy was the guy who managed the Yankees, who had managed Babe Ruth's team, maybe he's even met him! Ohmygod. 

Caroline rolled her eyes and grabbed my hand dragging me out of the kitchen complaining about how I wasn't listening to her, "nice to met you Mr. Baker!" I called back into the kitchen. Caroline snorted, "suck up." she muttered as we walked up the stairs to the second floor of her mansion like place, we walked down a corridor and then stopped in front of the second door to the left, she opened it to reveal her her room. 

There was a double bed on the left side and a HUGE cupboard on the other, on the wall to the right of the door was a couch that was opposite another couch, the sofa that was't back to back with the wall had a Piano standing behind it. There was a table between the two couches and on the right side of the table was a large TV. The Tv hung on a wall that then stopped about a quarter into the room until going back to where the closet begun. The wall the Tv hung on had two built in bookcases filled with DvD's and books. The whooe room had a white carpet floor. Photos of her and Ash and then her family - some including the woman who I assumed was her Mother - hung on the walls and the nightstand beside her bed had two framed pictures on it. 

"Who are you? The long lost princess of England?" I asked as we walked over to her desk, there were two chairs there for us to sit on and plenty of space for both of us to do work. She smirked, "no but My Dad's super rich, he manages the Yankees which I assume you guessed, so obvioulsy he has to make some good money." 

"That is so cool, has he met Babe Ruth before?" I asked as we sat down, she shrugged, "yeah I think so, my Dad first started working for the Yankees in in '32 which was three years before the Babe retired, Mr.Ruth is the reason my Dad got promoted." 

I laughed, "Mr Ruth? Caroline he's not in the room, you don't have to be so polite." she shrugged,  "you don't know that, I like to believe that ghosts are real." 


He snorted, "right, totally." I rolled my eyes and pulled out my history books, I can't believe that Benny Rodriguez was the first boy in my room, how pathetic. But  have to admit the look of pure fear in his eyes when my Dad was acusing him of being a theif was partially worth it. I sighed as we started, I was not good at History, I don't know what it was bu the facts just didn't stick in my head for some reason. With some luck Rodriguez would make me miraculously better and I woulnd't have to spend time with him. 

Pool Hunny // Benny RodriguezTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang