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I watched frowning as Caroline ran into the back garden and slammed a ticket strip down on the table my friends and I were seated around. "Please say yes." She panted

I shot her a confused look, "what?" 

"My father called me to come down to watch the Yankees verses Red Sox game this weekend and he wanted to give the third ticket to Katherine but I convinced him we should take you instead because you'll appreaciate it more." Caroline explained hastily, "please, please come I really don't want to spend a whole weekend alone with them."

My mouth dropped open, "are you serious? I will kill you if this is some kind of joke Caroline."

"I don't joke about the possibility of spending a weekend with Katherine. I'm dead serious." she replied, "yes or no, I need an answer in five minutes."

"Did you run all the way here from your house?" Kenny asked me amused. 

Caroline nodded, "yeah my car is in the shop and I was about going on a run anways when my father called so I sprinted here. So yes or no? I can't wait forever." 

"Obviously yes, when do we leave?"I  asked quickly. 

"At three, we're taking the plane so it'll be a five hour flight, the limo will swing by to pick you up." Caroline answered, "I'll be right back I just have to use your phone to call him."

I stared in surprise at the tickets, Yeahyeah shoved me, "holy shit did you get lucky. I wish the people I hated would take me to a fucking yankee's game." 

It wasn't as if I had expected her to ask, or that I would be the second option but what she said made sense. Her father would probably be the least reluctant to bring me out of her friends simply because I knew what was going on and how cool this was. "That sounds an awful lot like a you problem." I told him smugly. 

She walked out and sat down with them shooting me a thumbs up, "alright you're coming for sure now. I just have to explain a few things to you, while we're around my father we have to act like we're the best of friends." 

"Are we not the best of friends already princess? That hurts my feelings." I teased. 

Caroline kicked me rolling her eyes, "get a grip, I'm being serious, he can't think that I just invited you so I don't have to be around Katherine. If he does he'll bring Katherine instead so we can bond. There was nothing I would do less than spend two days with that plastic, two-bit, Gollum guarding her precious - my father's money.

I made a face, I'd met Katherine I knew that that was the last thing anyone would want. "Alright, alright take it easy. He'll never that we're not on good terms."

Caroline nodded satisfied, "good. Now you're going to want to bring a full suit and tie because if we win then theres going to be an after party if the yankees win and we're invited. Also, dress kind of nice or at least on theme while we watch the game because you and I are going to be sitting front row in the VIP box thanks to my father so there'll be cameras on us." 

I could see his friends exchange shocked looks, "are you sure you don't want to take me instead princess?" 

I scowled, "can it McLennan." I barely wanted to bring Benny and I had a crush on him, as if I was going to bring those other morons. "Benny, you should also bring stuff you want signed because your probably going to meet all of the players, and what else... you might want a camera or something. I don't know. Be ready by two, we have to be on the plane by three." 

"You'll print my boarding pass and everything right?" I asked her.

Caroline shook her head, "you won't need one of those we're flying private. I'll see you at two then." With that she up and left leaving the rest of us staring after her. 

"Lola is going to be so jealous." I started breaking the silence, "this is too cool." 

My sister watched in disbelief as I packed my clothes, "oh my god. I can't believe this, why are you just so natuarally lucky it's beyong unfair." Lola muttered, "what the hell did you do to deserve this." 

"You don't even like basbeall so why are you complaining?" I asked frowning. 

"So? You're going to New York, plus I wouldn't mind it so much if I got to sit in the VIP box every time and was invited to the after party." She continued, "not to mention your going with Caroline who probably has a bunch of cool friends throwing a bunch of cool parties while she's there."

I rolled my eyes zipping up my duffel bag as the doorbell rang, "bye loser." 

"Asshole." She grumbled as I walked downstairs. 

I said goodbye to my parents and Emmy quickly before walking out to where the driver was waiting, Caroline and Rosita sitting in the back. "Hola Benny." Rosita started beaming at me. 

"Hola Rosita. ¿Como estas?" I asked sitting down next to Caroline who grimaced at me. 

"Bien, bien gracias." She answered, "¿y tú?" 

"Yo también." I answered, "what about you princess?"

"Sabes que hablo español, ¿verdad? No tienes que cambiarte al inglés por mí." Caroline answered surprising me. (You do know I speak spanish right? You don't have to switch to english for me.) She even spoke with a colombian dialect like my family and Rosita did. 

"You speak spanish?" I asked incredulously. 

"Well that is what I just said, in spanish, isn't it?"  Caroline asked. 

"No offence but you're one of the whitest people I know, where the hell did you learn spanish?" I continued. 

Caroline rolled her eyes, "Rosita taught me, she's been with us since I was a baby so I've been able to speak spanish for years. You wee just to ignorant to notice." 

There was a lot of things I could fault Caroline with but ignorance was not one of them, apparently I couldn't say the same for myself. 

Pool Hunny // Benny RodriguezWhere stories live. Discover now