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I was in living hell: a tutor teacher meeting between Mrs Grayson, Benny and I, on a fucking Saturday. The only thing that could have made it worse was if my father and his stupid girlfriend had also decided to join. Thank god they didn't. But don't worry to make up for it they were going to pick me up.

"I am very, very impressed Mr Rodriguez, this is the first time in the years that I've taught Miss Baker that her grades have actually improved." She praised.

I didn't meet her eye because I already knew that she would have that stupid, smug look of hers waiting for me. Because she had been right and I had been wrong. "Thanks Miss Grayson, but it's really Caroline you should impressed with." Benny replied unsure.

"I don't think so, but it's very sweet of you to say that Mr Rodriguez." She told him smirking in my direction.

God I hated her. As if I hadn't been the one working my ass of to get that stupid B plus, the only B plus on my entire report card that was otherwise filled with A pluses might I add.

"Well if we're all finished here, I'd like to go please." I informed them getting up. I didn't want to spend another minute with that stupid bitch. She made my blood boil more than anyone else I knew. Although my father's girlfriend was a VERY close second.

She grabbed my arm yanking me back down into my seat, "actually, Miss Baker there is one more thing you need to know before you go.

"You will be required to get an A plus to pass my class this year to pass, or I will fail you." She told me, that horrid, smug grin growing even wider on her face.

"That's so unfair Miss Grayson, you can't fail me for that, besides the rest of my grades will still even out my average." I protested.

"Do not test me Miss Baker, get an A or I will make sure you repeat the year. Do I make myself clear?" She asked pursing her lips.

"Crystal. I look forwards to seeing you next year." Miss Bitchface. I added that second part in my head.

"I won't be your teacher next year." She replied quipply as if it were some sort of great comeback.

"Thank the fucking lord." I muttered grabbing my bag. I was so ready to leave.

"I'm sorry?" Miss Grayson asked outraged.

"Apology accepted." I replied scowling as I breezed past her and out of the classroom.
Benny caught up to me relatively quickly after that, "well done. She definitely likes you more now."

I made a face at him, "ha ha, very funny. I told you she's out to get me. Who ever has heard of an A plus ultimatum it's ridiculous."

"Come on I mean it's not ideal but I'm sure you can do it." He tried, but his uplifitingness wasn't lifting me anywhere. I was pissed off beyond words. "I'll help you more often, we can do three times a week instead."

As if either of us wanted that.

"Thanks." I replied trying not to sound to bitter, "I guess I'll see you then. Bye."

I could already see Katherine (the girlfriend) and my father waiting for me, first the meeting now this, it was like somone was trying to see how long I could go before snapping. "Hi." I greeted them both forcing a smile, "thanks for getting me."

"Anytime." Katherine replied. But we both knew she didn't mean it. I had given that fake smile and tone of voice more times than I could count. There was nothing friendly going on here.

"Well, better get going then, Will and Parker are coming to get me and we're going to see a movie." I told them.

"Isn't two boyfriends a bit extreme honey." Katherine asked testily from the front seat.

"You would know would you?" I shot back, "although I can't say I'm shocked."

She didn't reply. Of course that wasn't in the least bit surprising.

"Will and Parker aren't her boyfriends darling." My father interjected quickly, "they're like brothers to her."

"Oh I had that once too, but of course young love got in the way of the whole sibling facade." Katherine continued putting her iditotically ugly acryllic nailed hand on my father's leg. "It's a girl thing sweetie."

"Oh an incestual threesome then?" I asked making her sickening smile drop, "must have been really fun."

"Caroline!" My father snapped, "watch your language for christs sake."

Katherine let out a pearly little laugh, "it's alright she was only joking."

But all that really meant was I'm shipping you off to boarding school first chance you horrible little brat. I would like to see her try.


Caroline wasn't the only one who had been punished by that meeting, I can't believe I had to give up my saturday for that crap. It was ridiculous. And now I had to see her three times a week on top of it, god was I a moron. Well, at least that meant her time was better spent than hanging aorund with that idiot Benedict Lopez.

It's hard to say why exactly I hate him so much, I mean there are many, many reasons that I think he's a complete dick. But they were never origionally directed at me.

That came after he realised I hated him. But bye had never been nice to my friends and more importantly he was so incredibly arrogant without even realising it made him unbearable to be around.

I remember he had been desperate to play with us in the Sandlot once he'd harassed us day and freaking night until we finally gave him a chance to shut him up but he was such a sore loser we couldn't keep him around.

Even Caroline who was completely, for reasons unknown to anyone with common sense, head over hells for him had noticed that attitude. And that just didn't work well for us in the sandlot. You needed to just be able to get over it. And he never could. So we kicked him out and now he despised us.

It was great.

Pool Hunny // Benny RodriguezWhere stories live. Discover now