Chapter 26~

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"Oh god stop being nervous. It's not your first date!" A-Xiang said.

"It is a sort of. I mean, all those previous dates were fake, and I was the one doing the work and now someone else is taking me to date..."

"Are you really my brother!" A-Xiang exclaimed, "since when did my brother become such a nervous wreck you were never like this before."

"Well, I have been in love before either!" Yibo exclaimed.

A-Xiang smirked, "Come on, everything will be okay. It has to be. It will be. And by the way, when he said that he loves you, why didn't you say that back?"

Yibo sighed. "That's because I was afraid that his family will reject me."

"Since when did you start caring about families?"

"Since I met his family." Yibo said, "Honestly if his family was anything like mine I wouldn't care but his family is just so perfect, when I went there I didn't want to come back and his parents are cool as fuck so laid back.

And his siblings are perfect as well."

This was the first time A-Xiang has seen Yibo praise someone so wholeheartedly and even respect them so much to be scared of hurting them even a little."

A-Xiang smiled, "If they were really such good people then they will accept you..."

Yibo smiled, hearing such assuring word from his sister and Zhan Yibo's heart was calm but only for a short -time as he heard the doorbell ring.

"Take a deep breath," A-Xiang said as she pushed Yibo towards the door, "All the best."

Yibo did as he was told and took a deep breath before he opened the door and saw Zhan standing there wearing a casual shirt and ripped jeans his hair perfectly styled.

"Shall we go?" he asked.

Yibo nodded, while he gave one last glance to A-Xiang who was giving him a thumbs up and silently cheering him.

"Where are we going first?" Yibo asked as he sat in the car and once he did he was given a chocolate shake, "Just enjoy leaving the rest to me." Zhan said.

And Yibo did as he was told he drank his shake.

As Zhan took him to an outdoor market, and by the time they had reached their Yibo's chocolate shake had finished as well as Zhan took the empty can and threw it in the dustbin.

"I could have done that," he said and Zhan smiled.

"I know you can but today, I am going to treat you like a prince."

Yibo has no idea how in the world Zhan does it, but he always brings a genuine smile to his face.

And so Zhan did as he had promised. He and Yibo went to various shops before Yibo suddenly remembered, "I forgot to A-Xiang the dress that I bought for her back then."

Zhan looked at him and blinked, "Well you can give it after the date ends."

Yibo nodded, Zhan then took him to various places and made sure that Yibo enjoys this day to the fullest and of course he took dozen's of Yibo's phoots and selfies before he finally took him a restaurant to have lunch.

"Enjoying?" Zhan asked, "Am I doing good?"

"Good?" Yibo asked, "You are doing perfect, I thought I was good at this stuff but you are better than me... where are we going after this."

Zhan smiled, "Have your meal first." he said. 

Yibo noticed that all the dishes were his favourote and he couldn't help but smile, and why not Zhan took classes from A-Xiang about do's and donts and even asked about his favouroe foods and got to know that Yibo loves sushi and although Zhan does not like sushi very much he can eat it since Yibo loves it.

After the mean was finished, Zhan got himself and Yibo and ice cream cone as they walked hand in hand in a park. It was truly a beautiful day. Other times it was him who was doing his best to make others feel special and this time someone made sure to make him feel special.

"Thank you." Yibo said.

"No thank you for coming with me." Zhan said, he squeezed Yibo's hand as they walked back towards Zhan's car, "I really thought that you would never forgive me."

Yibo smiled, "Well people have said wirse things to me compared to them what you said was nothing."

Zhan tightned his hold around the steering wheel, "never in my life I would dare to say anything like that ever again, I would rather cut of my tongue."

Yibo smiled and he knew that Zhan was guilty so to lighten the atmosphere he spoke, "No, please I haven't tasted it yet."

Zhan's heart skipped a beat before he started laughing.

Once they reached Yibo's home Zhan followed him, "there is a last surprise for you." Zhan said.

Yibo nodded and opened the door and as he did, he was shoowered by shite rose petals, for a moment he was stunned and couldn't move.

Before he smiled,and looked at Zhan, Zhan remembered that Yibo loves while rose petals and he was often showered by them by his grandfather.

"This...this is..." Yibo asked.

"I asked a little but of help from your sister." Zhan said as he came forward and held his hand, "Yibo...I love you...will you be my boyfriend?"

Yibo gulped and felt his throat tighten, "But your parents..."

"They accept you." Zhan said and Yibo looked at him, "My mom and dad understand you...and you are always welcomed to our house...besides you have to date me not's your answer?"

Yibo tightly squeezed Zhan's hand before he said, "Yes... I will be your boyfriend."

If there was a place above cloud nine then that was certainly heaven because that's why both of them felt.

Zhan gently placed his hand under Yibo's face and leaned in bringing his face near to that of Yibo and finally after a long wait he gently touched Yibo's lips with that of his own.

Both of them closed their eyes, let their heart explode and let their stomach be attacked with butterflies as they finally kissed with love.

After the kiss broke Yibo smiled and hugged him, "I love you... Zhan. I love you so much."

"I love you too."

"WOHOO!!!" Both of them got startled when they heard the loud noise and then saw A-Xiang along with Zhan's sibling along with Wen Qing coming out, "Oh my god finally you are dating!"

Zhan glared at his siblings, "What are you two doing here."

Cheng asnwered, "Well, well, we can't miss this moment now can we? espcially after you ruined my sleep just tog et advice on what to wear on the date."

The others smiled and Yanli send the video that she took to her parents, "You too are so cute! And when we met A-Xiang buying rose petals we couldn't help but come here something do sweet with out own eyes."

Yibo's face turned red, while Zhan hugged him tightly, "You have seen enough now leave."

A-Xiang laughed, "what a harsh reality now that he got a lover he is turning back on his twin."

"Tsk, tsk." Cheng said, "what an ungrateful man."

"You!" Zhan was about to beat him up but he raised his hands in surrender, "Alright, alright we'll leave."

And so they left but not before A-Xiang whispering in Yibo's ear, "You better use condom."

Yibo's face turned as red as a tomato as he glared at his sister, and after they left he looked at Zhan before they finally burst into laughter.

The end~

Author's note: Uwaaah....finally this sweet short story has finally finished.

Should I? or should I not write and epilogue?

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