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First Chapter!!!

My feet ached as I ran across the hard pavement. I had been practicing for three hours and my feet were definitely not ready to run yet.

"Get your ass back here!" I heard the man I was running from. Or I guess he's my father.

I refused to look back as I ran around a corner and into a random building to hide. It took me a few minutes before I realized I just stumbled into a biker club.

Large men were sat on couches and at tables. I noticed two sitting on the couch next to the door I just walked through. They looked kind of similar but one had a beard and long hair and the other had short hair and was clean shaven.

Ahead of me was a bunch of booths and tables. A few men sat there as well. They wore the jackets with "Rider's of Lykos" on the back. Two of the men had women sitting on their laps. One was blond with tattoos and the other had mousy brown hair.

I turned to the bar and saw a very large man looking over his shoulder at me. He seemed to be the largest one here. His hair was short but he had a beard. His eyes seemed to glimmer in the light before he quickly looked away. His attention was drawn to a small women who came around the corner. She was very pregnant and every man seemed to stiffen up, like they were ready to pounce on whoever dare hurt her.

"Hi! Can I help you? You seem afraid. Are you running from someone?" She peeks around my shoulder out the door. She notices the dance bag in my arms and her smile widens. "Oh you dance! I wish I could, but my mother never let me leave the house let alone dance." The girl looked down and rubbed her belly.

"Darling! You do not run from me when a stranger walks into the building!" A very tall man comes from the same hallway the girl did. When he entered the room the atmosphere changed. The man at the bar straightened up and turned his stool so he faced a away from the bar. Another man with hair to his shoulders sat next to him.

"Who are you?" The tall man asked. His put his arms protectively around the pregnant girl.

"Oh, I uh, I'm Melanie. I accidentally came in here. Sorry." I turn to leave but hesitate when I see my father across the street.

"Why don't you stay a little longer. I'm sure he won't dare step foot in here." The girl said. "Emily by the way." She introduced herself.

"Ok." I nodded. I guess as long as Emily was near me I wouldn't be in too much danger. If she feels safe enough to be here pregnant than I should be fine.

"How old are you?" Emily asked. It was so sudden.

"Twenty-one." I said.

"Oh, so you're pretty young." Emily smiled. She suddenly fanned her face a bit than slid her jacket off. I wasn't sure why she had it on in the first place since it was in the middle of July.

"How old are you?" I asked her. I might as well get to know these people.

"Eighteen." Emily looked at her hands as if ashamed. Maybe because she was pregnant so young.

"Well you don't seem it." I assured her.

"Thanks." Emily smiled.

I noticed she had sight cuts or scrapes on her arms. I hoped it wasn't from these men but they seemed old.

Emily must have spotted me staring because she covered her arms. "It isn't from them." She nodded to the men behind her. The tall man and the man at the bar both glared at me.

"S- sorry. It's hard not to assume." I said.

"I know these things are hard to talk about, but what happened to your head?" Emily gestured to the healing cut that started at my right temple and went all the way down the side of my face to my cheekbone.

"Oh uh, my father." I barely whispered. I was surprised Emily even heard me.

"Is he who you are running from?" Emily pointed to the door. I nodded.

I saw the man at the bar stand up and leave. I didn't want to think too much about it, but I feel as if he felt uncomfortable.

"Don't mind Rage. He hates abusers and is most likely upset about it." Emily sighed. "Oh by the way! This is Alpha. Well really that's his club name. I can't tell you his real name yet." Emily gestured to the tall man still protectively gripping her waist. "He's my mate! Which is what we call girlfriends, wives, or really anyone in a committed relationship. Hannah is Rogue's mate, and Vanessa is Ghost's." Emily pointed to the two girls I saw before. "And those are my brothers, Zane and Darius. They're twins." She finished.

"Don't forget about me, princess." The man behind the bar winked towards me. He had a very strong southern accent.

"I forgot a lot of people, Cowboy." Emily shook her head.

"Cowboy," the man acted as if he was tilting his hat. "Not just because I'm from the south." He winked than went back to making drinks. I turned to Emily confused.

"He's a douche." Alpha said beside her. Emily giggled and patted his hand.

"Be nice." She softly scolded.

"Emily! Rage is being mean again!" A brunette ran into the room. She was very petite and I could tell Zane straightened up when he saw her.

"This is Melanie." Emily introduced me. "Melanie this is Josephine, or Josie."

"Hi." Josie waved. "Are you staying?" She asked.

"Probably not. I'll find a hotel and go from there." I said.

"No. You can stay here, or at our house." Emily gestured between herself and Alpha.

"I really don't want to cause problems." I shook my head.

"I think we can handle it." Emily said. "Rage and Cerberus stay here over night. They can make sure you are safe. Rage is Sargent at Arms and Cerberus is an enforcer." She explained. I looked around. Everyone seemed pretty close. It wasn't what I thought a motorcycle club looked like at all.

"Ok, one night." I said.

"Perfect! I'll show you your room." Emily said and got up. I think Alpha and Josie almost had a heart attack when she did it herself.

"Darling," Alpha took in a big breathe of air.

"Sorry." Emily patted his chest. "I'll show you your room."

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