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It was already the next morning. Emily was showing me the shops downtown. I've seen Cerberus' tattoo shop, and Rogue's repair shop. Now we were at the club.

I thought the clubhouse and the club were the same thing, but turns out they own a whole club too.

Alpha hasn't let Emily leave his site. Emily doesn't seem to mind though. Rage, Carbon, Hex, and Bruiser were sitting at the bar at the club. It was closed since it was Sunday. It was pretty big and had wide windows in the front.

I was talking with Josie, who I found out was abused by her boyfriend before Emily's dad took her in. I guess Emily's dad ran everything, even the club that apparently Alpha was the prez of.

Our conversation was interrupted by the door opening. I thought maybe another member of the club came inside but instead it was the man I thought I ran away from.

"Melanie! I've been looking everywhere for you!" My father faked a smile. "I'm sorry if she caused you any trouble." He started his way towards me. Emily stood up and glared at him.

"She is causing no trouble." She folded her arms.

"Well she's coming home now." My father gave me a quick look.

"No." Josie stood up in front of me.

"Listen little girl, I will take my daughter home with me. You can't stop me." He got right in her face. No one seemed to like that because all of the boys got up. Alpha stood in front Emily. She gripped his arm and peeked around to glare at my father again.

"I- I'll go." I sighed. I don't want anyone hurt.

"Good." He took my arm and started dragging me to the door. We were halfway there when a strong hand gripped my father's arm. It was Rage. I hadn't realized before but he was at least two feet taller than me. About the same height as Alpha.

"I suggest you let the girl go before I let my Sargent at Arms rip your arm out of its socket." Alpha threatened.

My father glared at me before letting my arm go. He pulled his arm to his chest when Rage let go. I noticed his arm was already red from Rage's grip.

"She belongs at home." Is all my father said before he left.

Rage made sure he was far out the door before he turned and gently lifted my hand. He twisted it to check my wrist. I cringed in pain. A black and blue bruise in the shape of a hand had already started to appear.

"Every fucking time we come here." Alpha snarled.

I noticed Rage started signaling with his hands. It was sign language! I know he can talk though. Why is he signing?

"He said call doc." The man with his hair pulled into a bun translated.

"No, no, I'm fine." I assured.

Rage signed something else aggressively.

"Rage calm down." Alpha said in a warning tone. "Hex." Alpha nodded to the man with his hair pulled in a bun. He was on a laptop typing harshly.

"On it already. Full name Henry Micheal Vincent." Hex read off.

"H- how did you..." It took him only a few seconds to pull up my father's information.

"Face recognition from the cameras." Hex shrugged.

"Get me all his living information and other important things." Alpha demanded. Rage let a huff out trying to tell him something. "Leave Melanie's alone." Alpha nodded.

Emily's face turned determined as she hobbled to Rage. Rage's demeanor softened as she stood in front of him. I don't know why but it made a funny feeling set in my stomach.

She signaled him to lean down than whispered something to him. Rage's face turned hard again as he stood up straight.

"Never, princess." He said. It was quiet but I could tell it was deep, really deep. I wonder what Emily said.

"Good. Now I want ice cream." Emily pouted. Alpha sighed and gestured to Bruiser.

"Really! Me!?" Bruiser rolled his eyes.

"I'm the princess here!" Emily said. She climbed up on a bar stool, which Lucian had to help her with, and waited.

"Fine." Bruiser disappeared into the back.

It's been a few hours since the club. Emily took me back to the clubhouse which had less people in it. She explained some were on runs or doing jobs around town.

"Hey, haven't met you yet." A girl with tattoos said. She was followed by another girl with brown hair. I saw them yesterday sitting on two guys laps. Hannah and Vanessa I think?

"I'm Melanie." I smiled.

"Hannah and this is Vanessa." Hannah introduced herself.

"Emily told me." I said.

"Of course she did." Vanessa laughed.

"What! I had to explain what mates were." Emily shrugged.

"Are you staying here for long?" Vanessa asked me. I shook my head no.

"I should be leaving today actually. I have a dance class in an hour than I'll go find somewhere to stay." I said. All three girls looked at each other.

"No." Hannah put a hand on her hip. "You'll stay here. You can go to dance than come right back here."

"No, I've caused enough trouble." I started walking to my temporary room.

"Never. We've all been through some trauma." Vanessa confessed. I grabbed my bag off the bed and turned to the girls.

"I don't feel right bringing my drama here. I'm sure alpha will appreciate less stress." I said politely. He already had a club to run and a pregnant mate.

"Actually he is doing much less until the baby is born. I'm almost never out of his site, unless I'm with my brothers or dad." Emily said.

"I'll think about it while I'm dancing." I made my way to the front where the twins were talking with Rage and Ghost.

"Where are you off to so quickly?" Ghost asked.

"Dance." I smiled weakly. Really I was trying to get out of their hair. The faster I left the sooner they forgot about me.

"Please think about it." Vanessa caught up to me.

"I will." I said before I turned to the door. I looked at everyone's concerned looks as I quickly left. They will forget about me in a few days.

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