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Are you fucking kidding me! Logan's house is supposed to be on high security all fucking day and now my mate is gone.

I'm going to murder whoever the hell took her than I'll take care of Logan. And I'm sure the rest of the mates are with me. Our women were stolen.

We all sat in the meeting room discussing how to approach this. I was playing with my knife and it seems Alpha has returned to his old ways as well.

"I will not fucking rest until Vanessa is back in my arms." Ghost growled.

"Hex, we need cameras." Alpha said. Hex immediately had the tv on with the mansion cameras up.

It showed the girls talking in the pool. If I wasn't so angry I would say my women is fucking hot.

Dorian wasn't outside at all, which was good. I watched as the girls suddenly stopped laughing and looked towards the tree line. Without notice five men rushed out and reached for them. Hannah was first to get caught. She yelled at Mel who rushed for the phones. I tightened my grip on my knife as a man ripped her from the water. She managed to kick him in the knee and run for the door. She opened it just as the man gripped her waist. The five men disappeared back into the tree line without Logan ever coming out.

"Where the fuck were you?" Alpha growled at Logan. He was sitting in the corner with his head in his hands.

"I was watching Dorian, I- I couldn't hear them." Logan said. I refused to look at him. He runs a damn mafia and didn't know people were on his property while he was well and awake.

"You're lucky they didn't get my son." Alpha glared at him.

"Ethan is already on it." Logan snapped back. He had all of his men searching for the girls. If we don't find these girls soon, he will have four very angry bikers.

I tapped the knife on my wrist, not enough to cut though. I don't want Mel to see me with scars everywhere. It was bad enough she's seen my knives.

"Hex, I want the girl's trackers on now!" Alpha growled. Hex nodded and pressed a few buttons before four dots showed up on the screen. Josie didn't have a ring so we had to rely on the others.

"They are moving just out of the state." Hex said.

"Fucking bell. Rogue I need a team." Alpha demanded. Rogue nodded and started writing things down.

"Rage, Carbon, Ghost, Bruiser, and Darius. I'll go along too. Alpha stay here to protect the club." Rogue said. Alpha didn't like being told what to do but nodded anyway. He had to protect his son too.

"Start now." Alpha said and slapped the table. Immediately everyone was up. I headed straight for my room. I already had a duffel bag ready. I took a holster strap and tightened it around my torso before putting two guns in the pockets. I had my knives already in a belt. I threw my cut on rubbing my thumb over the bottom patch. Two ballet slippers had been freshly sewed on. Just like the other mates, I had my mates patch.

I grabbed the bag and headed out to the garage. I threw my bag in the van before starting my bike. Rogue nodded at the member who was driving the van, James. That's his street name. I found it odd when he chose that name until I realized everyone called him that anyway. His real name was Kylan I think.

I sat on my bike as I waited for Rogue to get ready. Fuck I hope this was fast. We were already a day behind. I know damn well wherever they were taking the girls wasn't good. We knew those men associated with the Red Skulls. We weren't sure if they were members though, they might be taking them to another chapter.

I scraped my knife across my sleeve. I choose to wear long sleeves to hide my tattoos. They were easier to spot. So was my cut but I was less worried about that.

"I got the GPS. Move out." Rogue shouted as he revved up his bike finally. I growled with my bike as we tore out. Rogue in the league and the van and a pick-up in the back.

Red was my vision as we rode. As much as riding calmed me down, I was riding to save my women. I'm about to tear down the entire Red Skulls compound if I don't find her. She's been here four months and already has to deal with this shit. I will not rest until she is in my arms.

Three hours into the drive Rogue gestured us to stop down a dirt road. It was sketchy as fuck and I didn't like it at all.

"We have two hours until sun-down. We have to stop when it gets dark. Any bike stops?" Rogue asked. Everyone shook their heads no. "They stopped somewhere in Montana. We are still in Washington. We have a while until we get there." Rogue informed before starting his bike again. Than we were off.

The air got cooler as we rode. It was fall and fucking cold.  Many houses we passed already had decorations out. I felt an odd feeling looking at all the happy homes. It reminded me of the bikers houses. Hannah and Vanessa decorated their houses the last few holidays, this year they haven't. Emily would be doing that right now if she was home, baby in tow. I'd be looking for a home for Mel and I right now. Hell I might've already picked one out. I wanted to already started my life with Mel. And as much as I wanted to wait for her, I wanted to be buried inside her. To claim her completely. Make her mine.

Fuck I wanted her back. She eased the pain. I wanted to stab myself just for letting her get away. But I knew she'd be upset if she found out. I had to stay healthy for her.

Everything's for her.

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