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The next few days were spent watching boring day tv and listening to Dominic yell at someone through the phone. I think he was getting more irritated the longer we were here. I wanted to go home too. To our home.

Dominic informed me that the Red Skulls had disbanded the chapter that was previously residing in the town over. A great weight was lifted off my chest after hearing that. I did think it was a little odd, but I tried not to look into it.

"Hello, Melanie." A nurse said as she entered the room. I've had a few nurses check on me in the last few days. One I learned, was named Hannah. She was nothing like the Hannah I knew, but she did have an ankle tattoo.

"Hi." I nodded to the nurse. Her name was Danielle I believe. I didn't really care to learn their names. It sounds kind of mean, but I just want out of here.

"How is your pain today?" She asked. My pain had become more bearable. They did try to feed me heavy pain killers every six hours and I immediately refused. I'll take one at eight am, and another at ten pm.

"Just feels like it's falling asleep." I said. The nurse nodded. I had been in bandages, now she just had gauze on them. Once I am discharged, I'll need to bandage again.

"Alright." She clicked away on the computer. I always wondered how they spelled to quickly without messing up.

"What do you want for lunch?" Dom asked as he leaned towards me. It was noon and I was getting hungry.

"A sandwich please." I said. Dominic nodded before typing something on his phone. "Is someone going to get it?" I asked curious. He's gone out a few times, but I've noticed he has it brought here.

"Ordering it." Is all he said. I'll find out.

"How is everyone at home?" I asked. Dom shrugged.

"Fine. Hannah is good." He said. I nodded. I hoped she doesn't become too stressed. That would be bad for the baby.

I looked down at the mate ring on my finger. Would I ever become a mother. Dominic and I haven't even... had sex. Well, we just haven't gone all the way. Would Dominic want kids? I would like to. Do Dominic and I get married or is mates the same thing? I still feel lost with all this.

Even though it feels like I've been at the club for a long time, it's really only been six months. I mean, Lucian and Emily only took three months before she was pregnant. Hannah and Rouge took a little longer but still quick. Same with Vanessa and Ghost.

The club is something I can finally call my home. I am surrounded by people who support and love me. They'd wouldn't isolate me because I dropped my foot on a passé. Or I missed one class because I had the flu. I can be myself with the girls.

"Babygirl," Dominic interrupted my thoughts with a light touch on my leg. I snapped my head up to him. He held up a bag of food. "Food." He said. I smiled at his bluntness. He's definitely upset that we are still stuck in this room.

"Thank you, my love." I carefully scooted myself into a sitting position with Dom's help. He set my sandwich in front of me. Dominic ate his own food next to me. His brows were creased and he was angrily chewing. Clearly he didn't want to be here.

"Dominic, I knew we've already had this conversation, but you should get sleep in a real bed." I said. He gave me a small glare. I sighed. "At least at a hotel. Just try it. Please, for me." I begged. His look softened slightly. He was considering it.

"I don't like that idea." He grumbled.

"If you don't get good sleep how you going to be awake to take me home." I said. Dom sighed.

"One night. I'll go across the road." He gave in. I smiled. I felt bad for him to be squished in the little chair next to my bed. Hotel beds aren't that comfortable but they are good enough.

Once it was time for Dominic to leave, he threw a tantrum.

"Dominic, please. You need rest." I argued.

"What if something happens?" He asked.

"If you get back to the club half awake, that isn't going to go over well." I said.

"I don't want to leave you." He basically whined. Why was he so stubborn.

"One night." I said. Dominic leaned down and gave me a kiss. It was long and sweet. I could tell he was dreading walking out the door.

"If anything happens, call me." He said as he pulled away. "I love you."

"I love you too." I said as he began to leave. He left his pocket knife inside a jacket on the chair. I don't think anything would go wrong, but appreciated it.

After Dom had left, I stared at the ceiling. It was odd not hearing his soft breathes next to me. Even not hearing his snores when is deep sleep is odd.

Not even an hour and Dominic was already calling me. He is definitely the clingy one.

"Hello?" I answered.

"I hate this." Dominic said. I let a small chuckle out. He was probably sleeping on top of the sheets, not even in the bed.

"One night is all I ask. I just want you to get some sleep." I said. Dominic sighed.

"Fine. Love you." He grumbled.

"Love you too." I smiled. Dominic hung up. I hope he does get sleep.

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