Chapter 3- ISAC 2014 Part 1

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Author's Note at the End :)

January 13th, 2014:

We had just finished filming the ISAC entrance ceremony and were now sitting in the middle of the arena. I didn't think ISAC would be as nerve-wracking as it was. There was no hiding here, fans were filming and constantly watching us, I felt weird even yawning. On top of that, we were surrounded by so many different idol groups which I didn't know. I also didn't want to initiate any interaction with any male groups out of fear of a scandal, so I just followed the boys everywhere and didn't say much to anyone at the beginning of the day.

We were in team D which included B1A4, 100%, Sistar, Ladies Code, Teen Top, and Tahiti. While we were on the same team, all we had done was introduce ourselves and wish each other good luck, tell each other not to get injured, and try to win.

I was sitting in the middle of the arena with Namjoon and Jungkook. Seokjin had gone to say hi to B1A4, Taehyung and Jimin were already having a conversation with Suwoong of Boys Republic with whom they apparently trained with when he was a trainee at Big Hit, and Hoseok had left to go talk to B.A.P. Zelo which he said had introduced himself backstage and they had stuff in common. Yoongi hadn't come because he was still recovering from his surgery, and we didn't want him to strain himself with sporting events.

I felt like such loner, but at least I wasn't alone in not having that many friends. I honestly think Namjoon only stayed so the maknaes wouldn't feel bad.

"What events did you guys sign up for again?" I ask, trying to start a conversation.

"Jimin's in the high jump and futsal, Tae's trying the 60m race, and you're in the 60m and mixed-race," Namjoon lists.

"You guys didn't want to try the 4 x 100m race?" I question.

"No... and plus our team already has Teen Top and B1A4 sunbaenim trying it and there can only be one of each team in the final," he explains.

I nod. I look around the arena, trying to see how many groups I knew. As I scan the arena, I make eye contact with Junghwa of EXID that was sitting nearby. I immediately look away, shyly.

"I think she's trying to get your attention," Namjoon pokes me chuckling, and points to Junghwa.

I turn back to look that she was indeed trying to get my attention and waving for me to come to her. I point to myself, making her chuckle and nod her head.

"Do you guys mind if I go?" I ask the two boys left.

"No go for it," Namjoon says. I look at Jungkook and he looks a little sad, but nods, nonetheless. I squeeze Jungkook's hand as if to apologise for leaving him and get up to walk over to her group.

"Hi!" Junghwa says happily.

"Hi," I reply shyly.

"You're Y/N of BTS right?" she questions.

"Yes," I answer, "and you're Park Junghwa of EXID," I state the obvious, getting embarrassed right away.

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