Chapter 51- Runs In The Family

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November 1st, 2014:

We had gotten back from Mexico last night after doing the Music Bank World Tour. It had been 11 days since I said goodbye to my family at the airport and I already missed them so much. Having not seen them for so long, I had gotten used to not having them around, but now that I had seen and spent time with them, the longing for my family was back. I guess I just had to tough it out and wait for me to get used to it again.

Kai and I still hadn't been able to spend any extended amount of time alone together. We spent time together in Mexico since EXO also went to Mexico, but that time was limited. Other than that he was traveling and performing a lot, as was I, so getting together was hard.


I was running through the War of Hormones performance, singing included, as I was waiting for everyone to show up for our lesson. We would be learning what the plan was for MAMA this year for the first time today. I was the first one to arrive and I wasn't surprised. We were instructed to be in the dance studio at 7:30 and it was 6:45. But I wanted to run through a few of the songs by myself since I felt like I was getting more tired than the boys when we performed in Mexico, making it hard for me to keep up. I had mentioned it to them, and they had said it might have been the altitude and jet lag that was affecting me more, but I wasn't going to let excuses allow me to be lacking in my performance.

After feeling pleased with the result of my last run-through I let myself slide down the wall into a sitting position. I grab my phone and look at the notification. I had a text from Kai and Sulli. After that night where I first met IU's friend group in person, Sulli had added me to the girl's only group chat and from there we had built a deeper friendship. We mostly talked about fashion and music, but from time to time we ventured into politics. I was becoming increasingly interested in Korean and world politics with Yoona's weekly updates and Sulli slowly drawing me in.

I click on my text with her first.

Sulli: How was Mexico? Kai was there too right 😉

Y/N: Lol, he was, but we didn't really have that much time together 😕

Y/N: It was fun, Mexican fans are super passionate! But I don't know why but I was lacking... I got tired so fast


I go to see what my sister texted me next.

S/N: Don't tell Papa, but Robert and I are official!

I grimace slightly, but I had to be supportive. Who knows, maybe he had changed from his past abusive ways.

Y/N: OMG! Yay! Can I meet him? Like call or something??

She answers immediately.

S/N: Yeah, he's been busy lately though, but I'll see if he's free soon

Y/N: What does he do?

S/N: Well, he works at the grocery store, but he's looking for another job right now

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