Chapter 10

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*~* M O O N *~*

The next morning, I met Kayla and Aimee at our usual stop and we walked to school together. I couldn't help but smirk when Kayla brought up Travis.

"He texted me last night, saying he missed me and wanted to come over."

A frown touched my brow. He had been inside me the majority of the night. Had he really gone home and texted her that?
"Did he come over?"

"I was busy so I told him no. He's coming tonight though."

My frown deepened. Seriously? I would just have to make sure he was too busy for that.

Kayla suddenly sped up and grabbed the two of us. Aimee stumbled, "Woah, what's the hurry?"

"He told me he plays ball in the gym before lessons. I want to see." She grinned as she continued to pull us along.

Soon, we reached the gym where the double doors were wide open. Kayla was silent. Awfully silent.

I leant over to peer in and paused.

Travis was talking on the side, his shirt nowhere to be seen. What stunned me wasn't the fact his stupidly impressive abs were out on display for everyone to see, it was when he turned. His back.

Long scratches ran down his back stopping at his lower section.

I mentally facepalmed. How could have I been so stupid? Those were scratches from my nails that I had made the previous night whilst we fucked.
And they were in display for everyone to see. Everyone including Kayla who still hadn't said a word.

Not only the scratches, there was a cut on his lower lip from where I had bitten down a little too hard as well as crescent shaped marks on his arms from my nails digging in.

He noticed us and started heading over, his eyes shining as they met mine. "Kayla. Hey. What are you doing here?"

She didn't say anything and just glared at him, her lips tight. He pulled his eyes to her, "You still ok with me coming over tonight?"

I winced. It was true. I glared at him too. Was he being fucking serious? His eyes snapped to me for a second but he looked away, a small smile on his lips. I wanted to fucking hit him.

Kayla's face was sour, "Yeah. You can come over tonight I'm free. What's with your back?"

"Oh that? Just my cat. She was hungry and really impatient."

I felt my face begin to burn as his eyes lingered on mine for a little too long. He would give it away if he wasn't to careful.

"Right," Kayla nodded curtly, lips still drawn tight, "Well I'll see you." She turned and walked off, Aimee following in pursuit.

I lingered back, scowling at him.
"Put your shirt on asshole, or else your 'hungry and impatient cat' will gouge your fucking eyeballs out. Your not impressing anyone bitch."

I walked off quickly to catch up with my friends though I doubt I should even be calling Kayla a friend. She was pissed. Really pissed.
"Did you guys see that? He totally lied. whoever that fucking bitch is I'm going to fucking kill her."

It took everything in me to hold back my laugh, "He's such an asshole. I can't believe you like him."

She completely ignored me, "I'm going to fuck him and give him a better time than whatever that bitch did."

I grinned to myself, good luck with that.


Kayla had been practically eating Travis's face all lunch.

We had been stood around the corner in our usual spot talking about the usual things when he had approached. He hadn't even looked at me and they had just started making out in front of both me and Aimee.

I fought back an uncomfortable heat that was rising up my throat as we left them alone. Seeing him kiss her really annoyed me.

Not because I was jealous it anything.

It was just that his lips had been on mine and now they were on hers. I didn't like that fact that I had to share him. I wasn't jealous though, just annoyed.

"I'll be inside. I need a drink."
I walked, trying to refrain from stomping like a toddler throwing a fit. I headed inside though I had no idea where I was going and found myself in the bathrooms.

There was nobody else I could see in there though a few of the doors were locked so I knew I wasn't alone. I stared at my reflection, trying to unfrown my brows.

I was preparing to leave when one of the cubicles opened. Leon blinked at me, a girl under his arms. She flushed red at someone spotting then come out together and she rushed past me and out he door.

A smirk crawled on my lips, "I get this is a gender neutral bathroom but please, get a room next time."

He gave me a disgusted look, "Who the fuck are you to talk? You fucked a guy you knew for a day."

"Yeah because he was hot. And his dick is really good. I can't say that about many guys." I glared at him pointedly.

He was opening his mouth to say something when the door swung open and none-other than Travis walked in. His grin immediately widened as he saw Leon.

He walked up and warped his arms around my shoulder causally, "You again. I was just going to say, thanks for letting me fuck your girl. She's seriously tight."

Leon's face looked like it was about to explode but Travis just continued. "Not to mention her tits are amazing. Taste good too. And she's really good at riding my dick. It's a shame you-"

Leon stormed past and slammed the door behind him.

Travis frowned, "Dam. I wasn't nearly done."

I slid out from under his arms, "I bet you aren't done lipsing Kayla either. Actually, you should go right back out and do that."

He approached, "Aw Moon, don't be like that."

"I'm not being like anything."

"Your being sour," His eyes gleamed, "Are you jealous?"

"I am not jealous-"

He raised his brows, another stupid grin on his face, "Sure sounds like it to me."

He pulled me into his chest and planted a kiss on the top of my head as if I were a little child. Strangely, I found myself liking it.
"I promise I'll make it up to you Moon, don't be mad at me."

I didn't want to be mad at him but it really pissed me off the way I liked his embrace so much. I pulled away despite wanting to do the exact opposite.

I dodged passed him and made for the door. "Don't bother. I hate you anyway."

Strangely, I found I didn't believe my own words.

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