Chapter 17

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~*~ T R A V I S ~*~

Was I in love with Moon?

I stared up at my bedroom ceiling, my head filled with thoughts of her and only her.

Avoiding her was difficult as fuck but she really had to get her shit together. There was no way she didn't feel a shred of what I felt towards her, it had to be impossible right?

I wondered how often I was on her mind. Did she think of me as often as I thought of her? Did she crave to touch me again just as I craved to touch her?

I didn't know why I had gone with Kayla behind her back. Or maybe I did. Maybe it was because Kayla made it clear that she actually wanted me. It was a nice change from constantly being indirectly rejected by Moon. It was alot easier with Kayla in many ways, and yet with her, I didn't feel even an inch of what I felt towards Moon.

Maybe it was weird of me to say that seeing as Me and Moon had never had many conversations. Hell, we'd fucked before I even knew her favourite colour. And I still didn't know her favourite colour.

I was pulled out of my thoughts by my phone blasting 'New tank' by playboicarti which so happened to be my sick ass ringtone.

Reading the display name, I reluctantly answered the call, "Yes Kayla?"

Her clearly fake 'sweet' voice answered, "Heyy Travis, I was just thinking about you."


"Yeah, I miss you." She cooed.

I forced a laugh and a light tone, "I saw you a few hours ago at school."
Where you poured water over Moon's shirt in a pathetic attempt to humiliate her.

"I know, silly me," she giggled, "I also wanted to tell you that I'm on my way."

I blinked, "Huh?"

She laughed, "To the mall for our date silly."

Shit. I'd completely forgotten about that.

I quickly sat up and began searching for my shoes, "Oh yeah of course, how long until your there?"

"Hmm, maybe 10 minutes, are you on your way?"

"Yeah I'll be there, see you." I hung up and grabbed the closest pair to me.

How the hell had I forgotten that I'd agreed to go on a date with her? I pulled on a hoodie and practically sprinted put of my house to the car.

I seriously didn't want to hurt her feelings by arriving late.

A few minutes later and I had pulled into a parking spot and was searching for Kayla.
She spotted me almost immediately and came running over to hug me.

It was cute. Really dam cute. But she wasn't Moon.

I hugged her stiffly and we began walking. Store after store after store and she talked and talked and talked. I wasn't paying attention half the time, just a few perfectly timed "Mmhmm", "Oh really" and "Thats cool" 's kept her content.

It was 20 minutes in and both my arms were occupied with shopping bags and yet she still found space to cling onto my arm as she walked.

Again, it was cute. How she was content with talking and talking and talking with a smile on her face. And yet I found myself wondering if I would enjoy it more if she were Moon. Did Moon even like shopping? More Questions I'd never thought to ask.

I got my answer soon enough.

Because there she was on the other side of the store, walking around hand-in-hand with a girl I had seen her talking to.

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