Bonus chapter 2: Let's get married

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*~*~*~* M O O N *~*~*~*

"I don't like the way that girl was looking at you Travis."
I glared over at the girl who had previously been eyeing up my boyfriend before he had walked over to me.

We were at a party so obviously girls would be checking Travis out, but the way she had been looking at him totally rubbed me the wrong way.

Travis glanced back at her and frowned, "What do you mean by that?"

"She was practically eye-fucking you."

He laughed and shook his head, "Your imagination never fails to surprise me Moon."

His attempt to dismiss the situation agitated me. I frowned at him and crossed my arms, "I know what I saw."

"Sure baby, I believe you," He wrapped his arms around me and pressed a kiss to my forehead, "Your head is just making it seem worse than it needs to be, ok?"

I tried and failed to stay mad at him so I just gave up and melted into his touch. I hated how I could never stay mad at him for long, he always knew the right thing to say.

I blew out a breath, "Your sure?"

"Absolutely. Now are you going to sulk the whole time or are you coming to get some more drinks?"

He pulled me after him and we weaved our way into the kitchen. Where it was much quieter and less crowded than the rest of the packed house.

"You know," He began as he filled up a solo cup from the beer keg, "We should get married."

My head snapped to him, "What?"

He shrugged casually and handed me the cup, "I mean why not. It would be cool."

I was almost stunned silent by his casual tone whilst talking about marriage.

"Travis we haven't even finished highschool yet."

He blinked, "So?"

"We're hardly even adults yet."

"So? Come on, we already practically live together. I've slept over at your house for the last three months because you get upset everytime I try to leave. My parents probably have a missing persons report out for me at this point."

My cheeks warmed up, "I just get lonely, ok?"

"Exactly. Let's get married and buy a house together so you won't ever have to get lonely."

I sighed and took a swig from the cup, "Your crazy."

He raised his brows, "Well we both know your gonna eventually be my wife and the mother of my children. Why wait?"

I almost spat out my drink. We hadn't talked about that at all. I would have certainly remember if we had.

"When did we establish that? We've never talked about anything of the sort."

He shrugged again, "I thought it was obvious."

I groaned and glared at him, "Travis I hate you."

He frowned, "Woah. Not the reaction I was expecting."

I crossed my arms, "Well what were you expecting? How can you talk about something like this so casually?"

He leaned against the counter and tipped his head back to down some more of his beer, "Like I said, I thought it was obvious. Haven't you been thinking the same thing?"

I had. More than I had wanted to admit, I'd just never given a thought to if he maybe felt the same.

He noticed my pause and raised his brows, "Have I ever given you a reason to doubt how much I'm in love with you?"

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