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as nova opened her eyes, the only thing she could feel was her head pounding. she couldn't remember anything from last night, and she didn't know if that was a good or a bad thing. there was a weight on top of her head. looking up, nova saw a blonde woman looking down at her. at that moment, she remembered last night very clearly.

"good morning." taylor smiled at nova. nova could barely focus due to the pain in her head, but she managed a response. "what time is it?" nova asked taylor. "about seven in the morning."

nova was quick on her feet, pulling on her shoes. taylor looked at nova, while the brunette was frantically looking around the room. "where is it? oh my goodness.." nova mumbled. "what are you looking for?" taylor asked her.

"i can't find my phone!" nova raised her voice a bit, getting agitated. nova then saw her device on the nightstand and quickly picked it up.

nova started out to the hallway, speaking under her breath. "where are you going? i was hoping i could make you breakfast." taylor asked the younger girl. "i need to go to work! not everyone has the luxury of sitting at home, writing a few words, and making millions!" the brunette looked back at taylor, instant regret present on her face.

"i am- i'm so sorry. i did not mean that at all, i'm just really frustrated because i am going to be late." she quickly apologized, hoping the woman would understand. taylor stood up, and opened her arms. "do you need a hug?"

taylor was hurt by novas words, but she tried her best to hide it. taylor worked really hard on her songs, and wether it seemed so or not, it was mentally draining.

sliding into taylor's open arms, nova started to sob into the blonde. she didn't know exactly why she was so upset, she was just so frustrated, overwhelmed, and tired. nova just wanted to go back to sleep, but she knew that wasn't an option.

stepping away from each other, nova wiped her tears and put on a slight smile. taylor felt bad, and decided to invite nova to stay. "do you want to stay for a little longer? i have secret sessions today for my new album coming out soon, 1989, and you are welcome to stay."

nova was taken aback by the offer, surprised, to say the least. "you would do that?" taylor looked down at the young girl. "of course, a lot of fans are going to be coming and listening to the album, so why not. it's the least i could do."

"oh my goodness, that would be amazing!" nova wanted to hug taylor again, but she wasn't sure if that was alright with the blonde. "may i hug you?" she asked quietly. the blonde stared at her silently before responding. "of course."

taylor pulled nova in for a hug, cherishing this moment. once they both pulled away, nova grimaced slightly. "what's wrong?" nova looked up at taylor, "do you have any ibuprofen? i have a horrible hangover and my head is pounding." the blonde chuckled lightly, before turning on her heels towards the bathroom.

in the bathroom, taylor reached up to the cabinet, pulling out a bottle of pain medicine. she quickly opened the child lock and poured two pills into her hand and walked back to the bedroom.

when she walked out of the bathroom and into the room that held nova, she saw the brunette sitting on the floor with a bottle of water.

"where'd you get that water bottle?" the blonde questioned. "from the mini fridge on your dresser. is that alright?" taylor nodded her head and continued toward nova.

she kneeled to be at level with the shorter woman, handing her the pills. nova quickly swallowed them down, "i was enchanted to meet you." nova mumbled.

"what?" taylor chuckled, wondering if she had heard nova correctly. "did you just reference one of my songs?" nova looked up at taylor cheekily. "so what if i did?"

"you are a weirdo." taylor muttered, standing up. "yeah, but i'm your weirdo." taylor shook her head, chuckling under her breath. "let's go to the kitchen and make breakfast, how does that sound?"

nova nodded, realizing how hungry she was. as they made their way down the hall to the kitchen, nova nearly slipped, but luckily, taylor was able to catch her.

taylor's two cats were staying in the home, so as they made their was into the kitchen, nova saw meredith gray and olivia benson perched on top of the counter.

"would you mind feeding them while i get breakfast prepared?" taylor asked nova, and nova gladly accepted. she made her way to the cats food, filling a cup and pouring it into their food bowls.

as nova watched the cats eat, taylor broke the brunette from her thoughts. "are you okay with pancakes?" she asked, and nova looked up at the blonde. "yeah, that sounds delicious!"

once the pancakes were cooked and plated, the two sat down in the barstools. as nova ate her food, taylor simply moved it around the plate with her fork. "not hungry?" nova questioned, looking to see the blonde hadn't eaten even a single bite.

"no, not really." taylor responded quietly. nova shrugged it off and continued to eat her meal. taylor could tell nova wanted to ask more, but left it alone. she was thankful for that.

after nova had finished eating, she brought her plate to the sink and began washing it. that was the least she could do after everything taylor had done for her in the past day. taylor soon came over and scraped her food off of her plate and into the trash can. she then placed her glass plate in the sink and waited for nova to finish washing her own plate.

"so, i was thinking i would start setting up for the secret sessions soon, if you'd like to help." the blonde stated to nova. nova simply nodded, still scraping her plate. "yeah, that sounds good. once i'm finished, we can start setting up."

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