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it was now march 2015, and today, nova was going to meet taylor's parents, andrea and scott, along with her brother, austin.

nova was freaking out, even after knowing her own parents support the happy couple, what if taylor's family didn't like her? or didn't support their daughter?

nova was pacing the room, shaking her hands. she tried taking deep breaths, but it wasn't helping much.

taylor was still getting ready for the day, and nova didn't want to bother her. nova was about ready to cry because of the nerves when taylor came out of the bedroom.

as taylor saw the brunette panicking, she quickly walked over. "hey, it's going to be fine. there is nothing to worry about, baby."

nova took a shaky breath before responding. "i know, i'm just, i'm trying to  calm down because i'm really, really nervous."

taylor could see tears gather in the woman's eyes, and she frowned slightly. "do you need a hug?" the blonde asked.

without even answering, the shorter woman was quick to wrap her arms around taylor, crying into her chest.

taylor hugged back, rubbing her palm in circles on her girlfriends back. "it's going to be fine, i didn't know you were this worried."

the taller woman had been panicking in the bedroom before, and that was why she took a lot longer than nova. she was expecting to be able to talk to nova about how she was feeling, but now that she knew how worried the brunette was, she pushed her worries aside.

nova pulled back, wiping her tears. "okay, i'm not feeling as worried anymore," nova said. "are you doing fine? i mean, it's your family. how are you dealing?" she asked taylor.

"well, i'm worried at how this is going to turn out, but i'm hoping for the best." taylor answered, kissing the shorter woman's forehead.

"now let's get going before we end up being late."

an hour or so later, taylor and nova had arrived at andrea and scott's nashville mansion.

walking up to the porch, nova was barely keeping it together. taylor discreetly grabbed the brunettes hand, squeezing it.

"it's going to be fine." taylor whispered. the two woman walked up to the door, and taylor rang the doorbell.

they heard andrea coming to the door, and soon the door was opened wide enough so that nova could see the older woman completely.

"hello, you must be nova!" andrea greeted, smiling. "i'm andrea, scott and austin are inside. come in, come in!"

nova smiled at the woman, looking at taylor. taylor nodded at the shorter girl, chuckling.

as they both walked inside, nova admired the interior of the mansion. it was truly beautiful, and an amazing home.

scott and austin were already sitting at the dining table, waiting for taylor and nova to arrive.

"hey, darling." scott greeted, hugging taylor. "and you must be nova." he looked at the brunette and smiled.

"well, go ahead and make yourselves feel at home, dinner will be done in no time." he told the two before walking off and sitting down again.

taylor subtly rubbed novas back reassuringly, making sure that nova knew that taylor was there for her.

a few minutes later, austin came to the women, hugging taylor tightly. "hey, sis, dinner is just about ready if you two want to come sit." he informed before going back to the dining room.

taylor lead nova into the dining room, sitting across from where her mom would sit and nova sitting across from austin.

taylor excused herself to help her mother plate the food, leaving nova with her brother and father.

nova was kind of upset that taylor just left her like that, knowing how uncomfortable this already was for the brunette.

it was sort of awkward, the three of them stealing glances before looking down at the table.

then, andrea and taylor came from the kitchen bringing out plates for the five of them.

as andrea sat down, she looked at nova. "so, nova, i've heard that you are taylor's roommate." she mentioned.

"oh, yeah, we are roommates. we've been living together for, what, six months?" nova responded, looking at taylor for conformation.

"yeah, that sounds about right." taylor confirmed, looking at nova.

"okay, let's cut to the chase, the tension in this room could be cut with a knife." austin said out of the blue.

taylors eyes widened a bit, looking at her brother. "what, am i wrong?" he said.

"should we just tell them now?" nova quietly asked the blonde. "tell us what, taylor?" scott asked, obviously overhearing nova.

"okay, so nova and i aren't just roomates." taylor said flatly. "yeah, you two are friends, right?" scott asked.

"no, not like that. me and nova- nova an i are dating." the blonde corrected, and nova squeezed her hand reassuringly underneath the table.

"oh," andrea said, her eyes widened. "well, that's great that you have finally found yourself, taylor. i love you, and i support you and nova both."

taylor had tears welling in her eyes already as she turned to her father. "dad?"

"well, i'm happy for you," he said. "and as long as you're happy, then i couldn't care less what you are doing."

at this point, nova had tears threatening to spill and she looked at taylor, who seemed to barely be holding the tears in.

for taylor, it was about her family accepting her. for nova, it was that her girlfriends family supported them both.

"austin, are you okay? you haven't said anything." taylor asked her brother, a little quieter now.

"i'm proud of you, tay. and i'm happy you felt safe enough to tell us all." austin told his older sister.

"thank you all, so much for supporting me." taylor said before sobbing into novas arms.

taylor was so scared that her family wasn't going to accept her, so she had prepared for the worst. if you prepare for the worst, you won't get disappointed.

but when her family was happy for her, it made the blonde feel so loved and happy. she was glad they had supported her, because she didn't want to have to lose her close relationship to them.

nova rubbed the blondes back comfortingly, whispering affirmations into her ear.

they stayed like that for a bit before it became awkward for her family. andrea and scott excused themselves, and austin had left the table as well.

taylor was practically falling asleep in novas arms, and the younger woman's arms were getting weaker and weaker from holding up taylor's weight.

"baby, let's leave before you're completely asleep." nova shook taylor gently. taylor groaned, opening her eyes reluctantly.

"there we go, tay. let's go to the car, and i will drive. you can fall asleep again in the car, but let's just get there first."

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