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chapter 13!!

it was already taylor and novas seven month anniversary, but it had felt like an eternity to the two.

taylor and nova were planning on just having a fancier dinner to celebrate, but even if they didn't have anything special for their anniversary, they were still as happy as could be.

taylor was sitting on the sofa, watching greys anatomy, while nova was filling meredith and olivia's food bowls.

nova came up behind taylor and kissed her forehead softly. the blonde looked up at her girlfriend and caught her lips in her own.

as taylor pulled back, she opened her mouth to speak. "so, you know how you wanted to be an actress?" the blonde questioned, looking at nova.

"yeah, why?" nova walked over to the loveseat across from taylor. "well, i was thinking, and you don't have to, but have you ever wanted to become a singer?" the blonde raised her eyebrows slightly.

"of course i have, i mean, who hasn't dreamed of becoming a singer." nova answered, chuckling. she was still sort of confused, so she continued. "why are you asking?"

"i guess if you could write songs, then i could call jack, jack antonoff, and he could help you to produce music." taylor suggested.

novas eyes widened, slightly shocked at taylor's idea. "i mean, that sounds awesome! i've written a few songs when i'm bored, but i haven't ever actually thought of making a career out of it."

"yeah, and then we could be able to go to award shows together without you just being my 'plus one', or whatever." taylor continued.

nova chuckled, looking at the blonde. "i wouldn't want you to feel like i'm using you, tay."

the blonde frowned. "you wouldn't be using me, and i know that. i'm the one who mentioned it anyway."

"okay, that sounds alright." nova said, downplaying how actually excited she was.

"mkay, i can't wait to see you at the grammys." taylor joked.

a few hours later, taylor and nova were simply cuddling in bed together when taylor had a random thought.

"hey, sweetheart?" taylor said to get her girlfriends attention. nova hummed, allowing the blonde to continue.

"are we serious? like, is our relationship serious. because i feel like it is, but i don't want it to be one sided." taylor asked nova, and the brunette opened her eyes, looking up at taylor.

"i mean, yeah. i think we are, why?" nova was confused to why taylor was asking this question. were they serious?

"well, okay, i was just wondering if someday, obviously in the future, if you would want to be married? or, what's your opinion on having kids?" taylor explained, earning a wide eyed stare from the tan woman next to her.

"oh," nova started, blinking slowly. "i mean, i want to get married." she answered.

"and what about kids?" taylor asked again, noticing how the brunette hadn't answered that question.

"i don't want my answer to influence you, tay." nova expressed, worried that her answer might make taylor feel bad if she didn't have the same view.

"i promise, it won't. i just want to know, and if you're not comfortable having this talk, that's completely fine." taylor cleared up, making sure that nova didn't feel pressured.

"okay, so i have always wanted a family," nova answered. "and i really, really, really want kids."

"if you don't want kids, that is fine. i don't want you to feel like you have to become a mother to stay with me. i mean, we could always get more cats." nova finished, sort of ranting to the blonde.

"okay." taylor replied, smiling and nodding her head. "i want kids as well, so i'm glad that you were able to tell me that you did too." the blonde pushed novas hair behind her ear.

"you are so beautiful, tay." nova said, putting her hand softly on the woman's stomach.

"you are too, nova. happy seven months, baby." taylor responded, kissing her girlfriends forehead.

nova smiled. she had never been this happy before she met taylor. nova could not imagine her life if she had never run into her girlfriend that one day she was leaving a bar.

"i am going to go to the store, do you need anything?" nova asked the blonde. nova wanted to go to the store so that she could get flowers for her girlfriend and maybe a chocolate bar.

even thought it wasn't their one year anniversary yet, they still wanted to celebrate.

"um, no, i don't think so." taylor responded.

nova got up and slipped on some sneakers that were conveniently right next to the bed. as she started walking towards the bedroom door to leave, taylor hummed.

"what?" nova asked, turning around.

"don't i get a goodbye kiss?" taylor smirked, and nova went and gave the blonde a kiss on the lips.

"okay, im going to leave now. i will see you in a few minutes." the brunette pulled back, leaving the room.

on the drive to the store, nova was playing one of her favorite songs by her girlfriend, haunted.

not many of her friends knew the song, but for her, it was a staple to listen to on any drive.

"come on, come on, don't leave me like this," nova sang along, turning into the parking lot. "i thought i had you figured out!"

nova turned down the music to try focusing more on parking, and it seemed to help.

nova put on a pair of sunglasses and pulled her hood up, walking into the store.

she quickly found where the floral arrangements were, grabbing simple red roses. the tan woman payed for the flowers and walked out of the store.

as she got back to her car, she restarted the song, making sure the volume was turned back up.

singing along to the song once again, the woman began driving back to their home.

she was stopped at a red light, so she looked at her phone, realizing she had gotten a text from taylor.

the text read, "hey babe, if you're still at the store can you pick up some milk?"

nova quickly responded, saying how she had already left the store and would be home soon.

she put her phone down again, and the light was still red.

a few minutes later, the light finally turned green, signaling that nova could drive.

she pressed her foot to the gas pedal, and out of no where another car came speeding around the corner, crashing into the side of novas car.

the t-bone crash quickly turned fatal, as novas car was flown into the air on impact.

all nova could see for a moment was a white flashing light, and all of her surroundings were quickly blurred.

the car completely flipped over, and nova was upside down, trying to reach for her phone.

she tried lifting her arm, but screamed in pain.

tears began streaming down her tan face, and she was just sitting there, in pain.

"help!" she tried screaming, but it came out as more of a whine.

she reached for her phone once again, almost giving up as her vision was limited from the pain.

she was able to grasp onto her phone, texting one word to taylor, before her vision went black and her limbs went numb.


AN: i'm sorry for this, i felt the need to write some angst. i hope you will forgive me <333

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