Setting the Stage

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Hey guys, Weshney from Ao3 and Fanfiction. This is my DP x MHA crossover I started October 2021. For those new to the story, it's kinda slow at first. But it will pick up, and it will be worth the wait. Lol. The climax alone is going to be a minimum of 5 chapters of straight action. But that said, it is a mystery. And ultimately, Danny is the main character of this story. There is very little action for the first 8 chapters, but the story is going to be at least 32 chapters long.

Also, sorry that the first couple audio chapters are meh. I was learning. XD

All scenes with only MHA characters will be written in English, for ease of reading, but the characters are actually speaking Japanese to each other.

Monday, September 3rd

8:50 am

"If you look at the final page, it covers the grading policy for all the projects and assignments we will be covering this quarter." Papers shuffled throughout the room, too quiet to echo in the large auditorium. "Mr. Johnson - or, you know, Carl'' stood out on the whiteboard that hung beyond the lanky, brown haired instructor. Below the name, several announcements sat encased within a markered box, while an underlined joke of the day defended its solidarity from several feet away.

"I may throw in a couple more things near the end of the quarter if everything goes well, but we'll see. It depends on how far we get in the syllabus," Carl informed distractedly, and glanced at the clock hanging unassuming over the door. The man sighed and straightened, rearranging the papers in his hand until the top paper proclaimed "Fall 2015" at the head, and "PC Repair and Information Technology: Course Syllabus" at the foot.

"That'll be everything you need to know from today's class." Walking to the center of the stage, Carl haphazardly tossed his copy of the handout forward, the little stack of stapled papers splaying onto the podium as he passed. "I know it's the first day of school, and can seem a little overwhelming, but we'll get there." The man clapped, and addressed his audience with hands held in not-quite finger guns. "Besides, your early morning enthusiasm should float you straight through the rest of the day!" the teacher chuckled, looking out over terraces of seating filled with glazed gazes.

From the rows of students, a pair of bright blue eyes looked up through black shaggy bangs in mild amusement. A smile pulled at the corner of the twenty-year old's mouth as he cupped his face, forearm propping up his head.

The teacher went on, tone changing to one of embarrassment as he glanced at the clock yet again, "Honestly, I know that the class ends in ten minutes but I'm pretty done with today if you guys are."

Like a spell had been broken, the class' frozen state thawed. People of varying ages started to rise and gather their things. The blue eyed boy stretched, mouth opening in a jaw-popping yawn. Movements sluggish, he collected his pen into a small mesh pouch, zipped the case shut, and dropped it into an open pocket of his laptop bag. Next, he clicked open the metal rings on a plastic binder, and grabbed his syllabus. Sliding the handout's three holes over the curved protrusions, he went to snap it closed. His pointer finger, however, dipped down through the metal like it never existed. The second-in-line then smacked the steel rings hard at the lack of resistance, causing the holder to snap shut over thin skin. Indrawn air hissed through pursed lips. The young man looked down in bewilderment at a small bead of blood that formed at the base of his first finger.

"Ooof. That sucks. You good, Fam?" A brunet teen inspected the injury from two desks down.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Just a slip of the hand," the safety-challenged boy responded.

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