Murphy's Law

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All scenes with only MHA characters will be written in English, for ease of reading, but the characters are actually speaking Japanese to each other.

"Ĉi tio estas en Esperanto." [This is in Esperanto.]

If a scene is being translated the entire time, and there are no language issues anywhere in an entire scene because of a translation device, the scene will just be written as normal. But you know who speaks what. I believe in you.

Author's Note:

Merry Christmas everyone! Sorry for the late chapter, but I tried really hard to get it out by today! The audio will be delayed a few days, though. My flight was canceled and I had to drive 11 hrs to get home today.

On the bright side of me being late (just in general), though, I kind of accidentally made a new Phandom event for artists! Lol

It's called Green With Envy! Check it out on Tumblr for more details! Official Blog: (at-symbol)green-with-envy-phandom-event

The first half of the event is just for people to submit line art to the event if they want. Then the second half is for people who like to color to color all that line art. (The second half is competitive.) Vaaaaguely like phic phight, but way more teams and the rules are fairly different (or so I've been told)

Saturday, September 15th

7:27 am

Inko Midoriya slid her key into the lock of Musutafu Public Library and jiggled. After a short battle, the door clicked free and she pushed inside, stomping her feet against the chill.

It was an average Saturday for her. But that was okay, Inko was partial to working weekends.

While most of her colleagues still had young children in school, the forty-one year old was a bit of an empty nester. It wouldn't be fair for her to take the parent-friendly shifts when Izuku was living on UA's campus. Besides, this way, other businesses were open during her free time and she could complete her work week in three days instead of five.

Removing lemon-colored mittens and a light chevron patterned scarf, Inko relocked the door behind her.

The library didn't open for another thirty minutes, so it wouldn't do to have strangers wander in. The computers and lights still had to be turned on, go-backs needed returning and it was vital she sign-in to her own station before she could even think about opening the doors to the public.

About three-quarters of the way through her morning routine, a feather-light sound whispered several aisles away and Inko froze, the book in her hand hovering just outside a gap in the biographies section.

Shhhrrrf-le. Shwiish.

There it was again.

Something was moving.

The librarian shook slightly and slid her free hand into a pocket, wrapping pudgy fingers around her cell phone.

Should she call one-one-zero?

As the only one here it was her job to investigate; but the thought terrified her.

Listening hard and finger hovering over the dial button, the skittish woman finished all the close-by returns (nonchalantly avoiding the ones in the kid's fiction section where the strange sound originated). Through it all, things stayed quiet. Nothing moved; nothing attacked.

Maybe she was just being paranoid.

With all the things happening at UA she hadn't gotten much sleep lately and had been almost constantly on edge. If she called the police for something that turned out to be a rodent problem Inko was sure to be reprimanded.

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