I Am a Translator, Fear Me

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******This chapter still falls under the T for teen rating, but does allude to unethical experimentation.

All scenes with only MHA characters will be written in English, for ease of reading, but the characters are actually speaking Japanese to each other.

"This sentence is in English, but shhh." This is for when the scene is from a Japanese character's POV and they don't understand English, or, if they understand some words, those are not underlined.

"Dialogue in Japanese that is getting translated in real-time." If all words are in bold, the English character can understand everything that is being spoken in Japanese.

Friday, September 7th

11:12 am

"And now, not only do I have to help a lost girl that came from who knows where, we have that stupid presentation due Monday. Who the heck assigns a major group project on the second day of class!?" Danny sighed, running a hand through his hair before grabbing a fistful at the end in a brief hold. "Mrs. Atterbury is a sadist, I swear!"

The armchair the Fenton sat in was rust red, the fabric a hideous paisley that screamed outdated. On the other side of a black coffee table, Tucker slouched into an identical seat, glaring at a laptop screen as he listened. Both chairs hugged a wall, trying not to intrude into the Health and Science building's hallway.

"You really suck sometimes, you know that Danny?" Tucker grumped at his best friend. The boy's arms crossed as he slid further into the cushion, shoulders pulling up in a sulk.

"I suck? How does that even make sense? I told you to take the computer class with me." The pale boy leaned back, affronted.


"Mrs. Atterbury sucks! She's the one on the power trip!" Danny cut Tucker off, already invested in the tirade. A searing glare, however, clicked the bellyacher's mouth shut.

"A cute, superpowered high school girl worthy of being an anime protagonist just fell through the universe and landed herself in your lap. Yet somehow you find a way to complain about it?! I wish I had your problems!" Panic crossed both boys' faces momentarily as they glanced around desperately. When no green smoke swirled up from the shadows, Danny leveled his friend with a deadpan stare.

"Tucker, I don't even know what she looks like. But more importantly, ew. She's sixteen."

"That's no different than a senior dating a freshman," Tuck defended, the words reflexive. The techno-geek refused to meet the halfa's gaze, training back in on the glowing screen of his laptop. Finger double-tapping on the trackpad, he amended, "Okay, I spoke before I thought too hard about it. I just—the mini-skirts, Man!"

Danny rolled electric-blue eyes. "Hagakure-san is currently decked out in Jazz's old clothes."

"I meaaaan—" Tucker's mouth quirked at the corner, trying to suppress a grin.


The familiar shutdown sent the heckler into a fit of chuckles. Smirking, the shorter male set his device on the coffee table and sat up, giving Danny undivided attention.

"So when am I gonna meet Hagakure-san? There's no way you're leaving me out of this one! Even if she wasn't a supe, she'd still be from Japan." Tucker's tone lifted up at the end, nearly croaking in excitement.

"Besides dinner last night, I haven't really had a chance to hang out with her, myself. I've just been so busy with this stupid project. She's still a bit skittish from what I saw, though, so I might have to rain check you for now," Danny admitted. Then, seeing a crestfallen look, threw a bone, "Sorry, Tuck. If it helps, I plan to spend all day tomorrow with her to see what I can find out. I'll keep you updated; even before Sam."

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