12-2 Oh Wheeere Is My Hairbrush?

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Warning*** Part with Present Mic briefly references domestic abuse.

All scenes with only MHA characters will be written in English, for ease of reading, but the characters are actually speaking Japanese to each other.

All  scenes with only MHA characters will be written in English, for ease of  reading, but the characters are actually speaking Japanese to each  other

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This is the image with a background with all three of them together, the file was too large to upload here.

Friday, September 14th

7:18 am


That was the best way to describe Izuku's state of mind. It was like white noise filled every murky corner of his brain when he thought about Kacchan, shutting off any and all intelligible thought. He'd talked to Aguni-sensei yesterday (in a serendipitously pre-scheduled session) and the therapist had assured him it was a natural response to trauma. That the mind could put things on hold that it wasn't quite ready to process.

He'd wanted to protest that this didn't qualify as trauma, per se, but found it hard to argue when his brain just kept...liquefying.

Kacchan was a brash fountain of infinite strength. He couldn't just...fail. Lose everything. All at once.

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