Oh, There's My Hairbrush

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Sorry it took so long, Guys! But Green With Envy was a blast and I learned so much about coloring by doing it! And I made a bunch of friends! Thanks for your patience. :3

There's one scene in this chapter that I am so excited to share! I'm super proud of it, so I really hope everyone likes it.

And thank you so much lexx and FoxyTeah for helping me get my science stuff straight this chapter! You have no idea how much stress that took off me!


All scenes with only MHA characters will be written in English, for ease of reading, but the characters are actually speaking Japanese to each other.

If a scene is being translated the entire time, and there are no language issues anywhere in an entire scene because of a translation device, the scene will just be written as normal. But you know who speaks what. I believe in you.

Monday, September 17th

1:58 am

Danielle Phantom smiled to herself as the cool static buzz of the Ghost Zone slipped away. Behind her, the ripple marking her passage through the Fenton Portal slowed, stopped and lapped back on itself like a video played in reverse, disappearing entirely when the waves met the center.

Forcing additional teeth to form in her mouth, she shot to the ceiling of the basement, through the house and up into the Ops Center as the metal gate closed behind her.


The older halfa was awake. Of course he was. He'd probably woken the moment she'd entered his lair.

Lips stretching thin over wide rows of crowded fangs, she baited, "Hey, Clueless1."

"Okay, I hate this already." Danny's look of concern inched down, settling into a guarded frown even as his eyes tried to hide a desperate, clawing hope.

Had Dani learned shapeshifting just to annoy her brother with even more devilish grins than normal? Of course. Had he developed PTSD from said grins? Absolutely.

"I swear, if this is good news you've managed to make me anxious about, I'm gonna dunk you in the River of Revulsion and leave you with Klemper for a sleepover."

"Oh, don't worry." Dani twirled a lock of bright hair around a finger, looking at the metal rafters above oh-so-innocently. "Your worst fears were correct. Jazz was kidnapped."

"YOU FOUND JAZZ?!" Danny was up in her face in an instant, roughly grabbing at the black and white of her suit with near-bruising force.

"Ouch! Hey, chill out!" Punctuating the words, Dani shot a blast of icy air from her shoulders, the breeze whipping at the taller man's hair. Startling back as if he'd been burned, Danny looked at his hands in horror and shoved them into his armpits, clamping down hard with muscular biceps as his eyes skittered back and forth between himself and Dani.

"Oh jeeze. C'mon. You're taking the fun out of this," Dani whined, brows drawing together and eyes squinching at her original's antics. "It didn't actually hurt that much, I was just giving you crap."


Oof. Okay. That sounded even more broken than she'd expected. Ugh. Fiiiiine.

"Jazz is safe," the clone pronounced, voice only barely sulking like a petulant toddler. The ravenet sagged, his breath whooshing out with the strength of a holey bellows and Dani felt her lips pull up again. Just a little.

A second later, the man's eyes grew fierce as a new thought backlit them in green. "Who took her?"

Ah Hel. The smile was back.

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