a look ahead: 2023

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🎶 hello...it's me 🎶 back from my lil hiatus + am ready to get back into the swing of things! i'm focusing on nailing down a routine for my life in general, + i'm including writing as a part of it so let's hope 2023 is the year of all-around consistency 🤞🏼 anyway, i wanted to make this lil resolutions/goals post for both my personal life + what works i'm planning to focus on in the upcoming year. beginning w/ the resolutions...

o1. stop apologizing

when i began typing out yesterday (nye)'s mb post, i immediately started off by apologizing for my unannounced absence. then i paused, stopped typing, + literally made this expression: 🤨 b/c why should i apologize? for prioritizing my education? for focusing on my health? for taking a much-needed break as i adjusted to college? no, i shouldn't apologize for any of that.

i feel like i speak for most creators on this platform when i say that this app is not our main priority. we have commitments outside of wp, whether that's school, job(s), family, all of the above, etc - wp is purely a hobby. it's something we do in our free time as a creative outlet + to share a part of ourselves w/ readers.

this even expands outside of wp. i am such a ppl pleaser who tries too hard to "go w/ the flow" that it has a really really negative effect on my life. i always say sorry, even for things that aren't my fault - even to ppl i don't even know! if someone bumps into me while walking, i'm still the one who apologizes...even when i wasn't the one to initiate the bumping...

on a similar note, i always brush off someone else's mistake. for example, for a group project this semester (🤢🤮 i loathe group projects b/c i end up doing all the work), this one girl did N O T H I N G but when she gave the group a half-assed apology, i replied w/ a "oh ofc! it's totally fine!" ...like katie bitch wyd 😒 this goes perfectly w/ my next resolution:

o2. be more honest

idk how many times i have thought or someone else has told me that i'm too honest. tbh, i don't think i'm honest enough. just like above, instead of just acting like it wasn't a big deal that this girl did N O T H I N G for the group project (that everyone got the same grade for 😍🤩) i could've just as easily been honest abt it. now, what i need to work on in tandem w/ this resolution is being honest w/o being a flat out bitch (😳🫣) ik being honest ≠ being mean, but for example, if i were honest to said girl i would've ended up saying along the lines of

 now, what i need to work on in tandem w/ this resolution is being honest w/o being a flat out bitch (😳🫣) ik being honest ≠ being mean, but for example, if i were honest to said girl i would've ended up saying along the lines of

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but obviously that isn't the kindest way to go abt it 🤷🏼‍♀️

o3. create + stick to a routine

my last resolution encompasses a lot of other habits (exercising, prioritizing whole > processed foods, mindfulness, etc) that benefit my overall health + well-being. ik these habits sound like the traditional "go on a diet!" + "workout every day!" resolutions, but the way that i go abt food + exercise is in a healthy, conservative manner. i've learned that daily exercise and eating healthier foods help my chronic illness symptoms, and since 2023 is all abt healing, i'm really focusing on all aspects of it. but i do want to reiterate that those ^ common resolutions aren't worth it. if u want to live a healthier lifestyle, then by all means, go for it - just leave the excessive + unhealthy obsession parts out of it. ur body is a temple, honor it 🧘🏼‍♀️

additionally, i'm making writing + reading a part of my daily routine. i have a feeling that, as time goes on, having time for a creative outlet (writing) + for calming, carefree enjoyment (reading) are going to become a part of my daily non-negotiables.

piggy-backing off of that, here are the works that i am prioritizing this year + 🤞🏼 HOPEFULLY 🤞🏼 will finish or at least make a lot of progress on (in no particular order):

o1. swan song, finnick odair
o2. a world alone, haymitch abernathy
o3. slow ride, bradley bradshaw
o4. chamber of wishes, paul atreides (at least complete act 1 since dune: part 2 (what act 2 will cover) is scheduled to release in november and idk if i'll be able to come up w/ a plot AND write an entire act w/i that time period)

(bonus since i'm feeling optimistic):
o5. magnum opus, steve rogers
o6. arsonist's lullaby, tom riddle era

even just thinking abt this list seems daunting but assuming i write every day (or most days, at least), things will surely come together?! right?! plus some of these fics are shorter than others so...idk, we shall see.

anyway, thank u to the 2 ppl who read these misc chapters. ily 🫶🏼

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