Chapter 10

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"Imani, you can't be serious right now?" Kayla said to me in disbelief. I looked at her face that was riddled with concern but all I could do was break down and start crying more. The secret is out now, I'm starting to lose control. I thought I could handle it but I can't. I don't know what I was expecting Kayla to say to me after that, but I definitely was not expecting her to lean in and hug me.
"You're gonna be okay." She told me. I cried more into her shoulder, finally letting out all the sobs I had been holding in. I had been holding in so much. My life was about to change forever. "What are you gonna do Mani?"

It was a good question, that I didn't have an answer to. When I first found out I was scared shitless, I still am. I wanted an abortion, but now I realize to get one I need my dad's help. But getting an abortion to hide my pregnancy would defeat the purpose when my parents find out. I'm worried they will kick me out onto the streets and just save themselves the embarrassment of having a pregnant teenage daughter. I knew very well what was important to them. It wasn't me, it was their reputation. If I were to ever put it in jeopardy I had no doubt they would do whatever they could to distance themselves from me.

But keeping the baby wasn't really an option either. Now the father could be two men, one of them a rapist, and the other a murderer. This is a seriously fucked up situation I'm in. But it felt oddly good to get it off my chest by telling Kayla. I had been hiding so much from my best friend, and it didn't feel good at all.

"I don't know what I can do to be honest." I said, wiping the tears from my face finally. "My parent will kill me, and it's not like I can go to the baby's dad for help."

"That nigga needs to be in jail." Kayla said with a face of disgust. "I got your back Mani. I'm still a little pissed you lied on me, but at least now I know why you did what you did. "

Snook POV

Should I be texting her going off? Should I just flat out ghost her? I mean after all she is 16 and could be pregnant with my kid. This shit is just so fucked up. I already had enough to be stressed about with these KTF niggas on my ass, Imani and this baby, and now Keniyah is ignoring me.

I'm not gone lie, a nigga is fucked up off that shit Ken did. This the first time I think she forreal, and that's scary to me. I love her so much, and we been down with each other for so long. "Nigga is you good?" Coop said, opening the door to my new room in Dom's house.
"You ain't been outta this room all day?"

I rolled back over in the bed and pulled my covers up closer to my neck. "Yeah, I'm good, you can go now." I said quickly not wanting to be bothered.

"Dee told me what happened. Keniyah finally caught yo ass" Coop said with a smirk.

"Why is that funny to you?" I said glaring back at him.

"Because you in bed acting all hurt like a bitch, as if you wasn't fucking every piece of ass that you came across. She was bound to get tired of that shit one day mane." He ranted on and on.

"Nigga who side is you on?!" I said finally sitting up in the bed.

"I'm just telling you the truth. But if you want my advice, I think the best thing you can do right now is go to her, and beg. And I mean hard. Don't let that shit sit in her mind cuz then she gone get to making shit up about how she deserves better, blah, blah, blah. That's where a lotta niggas go wrong. They give em time to really think. Let her true emotions come out and decide for her. And her true emotions love you."
Coop said to me. He was kinda making sense though. I need to get up and go get my girl back before I lose her forever.

Imani POV

I was back at my house. My parents and Ivy are out of town just for one night for Ivy's volleyball. I didn't go because I had a test the next morning, but I didn't wanna go anyways. Being alone felt good.

I was up trying to study so I didn't completely fail this shit when I heard some shouting from outside and a few thuds? I ran to my window to peek out. And down below I saw three girls throwing eggs?? I couldn't hear what they were saying, but I figured I should go down there and at least see why the fuck my house is getting egged. I made sure to have the police on speed dial just in case things got ugly. I hurried down the steps and went to the front door. I turned o the porch light, hoping it would scare them off, but the shouting and egging continued. So this tim I just said fuck it.

"What the fuck yall doing?!" I shouted at them.

"Is your name Imani?" One of them said with her hand on her hip.

"Yeah why?"

"I wanna fight you."

16 & pregnant by a thug Where stories live. Discover now