Chapter 14

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Imani POV
I was laying in Snook's bed, looking at the ceiling. The only thing keeping me company was my thoughts. How did my life just fall apart this easy? It feels like everything was okay yesterday, I was planning my birthday, I had two parents, a place to live, friends, a house. Now I have nothing. I didn't even have a phone.

Then I thought about my baby. Did I really want this? How could I be a mom? How would I raise a child in this situation? I started to have useless thoughts. I started to hope Snook was the dad. Even if we weren't together and he in the streets at least my child's father wouldn't be my rapist. At least there was a chance he or she could have their dad around.
That type of stuff doesn't change no matter how much you pray.

My stomach was bruised from my fight with Keniyah, thinking about that shit made me furious. I know I swung first but she pulled up on me with all those birds like she was gone jumo me, I had to defend myself. I could've had a miscarriage. I never wanted to see her again. Ever.

Snook POV
I couldn't believe Keniyah actually showed up at Dom's house. She texted me to come down and sit in her car and talk. Maybe she wants to give me a second chance?

As soon as a nigga got in the car she immediately gave demands, she ain't greet me or nothin.
"You need to get a DNA test done, as soon as possible. Or there's no way we're moving forward."

She wouldn't even look at me, but I knew she was serious. It's not like she was asking something unreasonable either. I was honestly just afraid of knowing for certain. But its the right thing to do. So for the first time, I didn't argue back, I just nodded my head. "Until you get the results back we'll just try to be friends again."

"So we not getting back together?"

"If it's yours then no." She said. "You got three weeks. Now get outta my car." She said lightly pushing my shoulder. I got out and she drove off.
Even though she gave me an ultimatum all I could think about is the possibility of us being back together.

Imani POV

The next day I slept over Snook's house he decided to take me shopping so I could get some clothes and whatever else I needed. I was honestly so grateful. It was unexpected. He was already letting me stay with him.

"You need a phone?" He asked me as he parked his car.
I did need a phone, but ai didn't feel comfortable letting him buy something so expensive.

"No, Im good—"

"Imani are you sure? We already in the area so just let me know wassup." He said firmly. I didn't say anything. "Aight let's go see what they got." He said getting out the car. I reluctantly followed him into the apple store.
"Get which ever one you want." He said to me, looking around the store himself. I looked at him unsure as to why he was being so nice.

I pointed at the cheapest one they had on display. He looked at me and raised his eyebrow. He waved the store clerk over and instead of pointing out the one I wanted, he pointed at the newest model.
"Yeah can I get this one in black?" He asked the clerk.

"Sure thing, I'll be right with you." The clerk smiled back blankly.

As they male worker walked off I hit Snook lightly on the arm. "Why'd you do that?"

"I'm paying so don't be worried about how much shit costs. Plus we gotta go somewhere after this and you prolly not gone like it."

"What do you mean by that?" I asked quickly, but before he could answer the clerk came back with the phone box. Snook paid for it in all cash and we left the store. When we got outside I asked him again. "Where are we goin?"

"My uncle Dom thinks we need to do a DNA test. So if you wanna keep staying with us, that's what has to go down."

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