Chapter 3

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It had been three weeks since the party. I woke up this morning and I didn't want to get out of my bed but I knew I had to. I woke up to a text notification, from my friend Mordechai. Mordechai went to the academy and he was a member at my church.

Mordechai: Good morning Imani.

Me: Hey

Mordechai: What's wrong?

Me: wym, I'm fine.🤔

Mordechai: no, you're not. You being dry so what is it.

Me: can't get anything past you can I?🙄

Mordechai: nope. So what happened.

Me: nothing bad, I'm just not in a good mood.

Mordechai: well if you say you good, I'm good. What time are you coming by?

Me: coming by where?👀

Mordechai: the charity event, yk only the one we've been planning for the past two weeks, damn mani.🤦🏽‍♂️

Me: ooooohhhhhhh, I should be there no later than 12, sorry I forgot.

Mordechai: you're fine...🤡.

I managed to crack a smile as I stared down at my phone. I put my phone to sleep and sluggishly rolled out of bed. I put on my house shoes and left downstairs for a quick snack before I got ready.

Ivy was already downstairs opening a box of cereal. She glared at me, I was taken aback. It was too early for all her bullshit.

I ignored her and went to the freezer for a Hot Pocket. I put it in the microwave, I could sill feel her glaring at me so I abruptly turned. "Is there an issue?" I snapped.

"Not anymore. I guess you haven't heard but you not having a birthday dinner this year..or the year after that-"

"Fuck is you talking about-" I was cut off by my father coming down the stairs. He raised his eyebrows at me.

"Oh so you curse now too?"

"Daddy I-"

"No. Ivy saw you coming home late from a party, I was gonna come down here to get you to come clean but now I see it's useless! The car you were gonna get is cancelled!" He shouted at me. "You think you grown or something!?"

Suddenly Ivy's mother came down stairs holding the phone in her hand. "Pastor is on the phone." My heart dropped. Did Kayla tell her dad?! I ran back upstairs to my room trying to avoid everything.

"THIS IS NOT OVER!" I heard my father call out after me.

I hurriedly shut the door to my room and picked up my phone. I called Kayla, she picked up rather quickly.


"What did you do? Did you tell-"

"No, I'd never do that, but you need to Mani."

"You know I can't. There's nothing to tell anyways. It's over." I rushed out the words and hung up.

I went to the bathroom in my room and started getting ready. I took a quick shower, brushed my teeth, and put on my eyelashes. I'm a strong believer that no one is ugly, all you need is good lashes and some gloss.

I put on a nice blouse and some jeans. I didn't want to go before but now I was eager to get out the house so I wouldn't get yelled at even more.


I sat next to Mordechai at our table in the banquet hall. There were a couple musicians on stage performing their gospel set as we all watched and dined. All the proceeds from the banquet would go toward the youth department at our church.

"So what's going on?" He asked me.

I was honestly confused. "What?"

"I know you, Mani. You were real off this morning." He said quietly. I looked away from his and off into the distance, taking in all the people and movement in the banquet.

How can he just tell over text?

I wanted to break down then and there. I could feel my eyes start to sting. I wanted to tell him everything but I knew I couldn't. So I just blamed it on my dad.

"My dad found out I went to a party and he cancelled my birthday dinner." I told him. I looked back at him to see if he accepted that excuse. He did.

"That sucks." He sighed.

"I'm fine." I assured him. "Thanks for checking on me though." I smiled.

"As always."

Our conversation was interrupted when Ivy and Kayla both came to sit with us. Kayla and Ivy weren't buddy buddy or anything so I assumed they just pulled up at the same time by coincidence.

Ivy sat next to Mordechai and Kayla sat next to me. "Hey girl!" She said cheerfully, leaning over and pecking me on my cheek. She knew how to make me smile.

"Hey." I replied. "I see you with the chanel bag!" I complimented.

"You know, you know, sumn slight!" She shrugged laughing.

Ivy ruined the mood as soon as she opened her mouth. "It looks like one of them fake ones they sell online." She rolled her eyes. Kayla made the stankest face I ever seen in response.

"I can assure you it's 100% real, unlike that gold you got on." Ivy couldn't even clap back at Kay because the pastor got on the microphone and began to speak. After he was done my dad gave a prayer and the waiters started coming out with food.

Our table was awkwardly silent as we waited to be served. Once my plate was placed in front of me I looked down at it and immediately wanted to gag. It was seafood, which I usually liked, but for some reason I just couldn't bare it.

I tried to take a bite of it but the fork couldn't even get to my mouth before I burst out of my seat and power walked to the bathroom. I burst into the nearest stall and knelt down over the toilet and starting vomiting.

I tried running through all the possibilities, still purposefully dismissing the most glaring one. Is it possible that I'm pregnant?

16 & pregnant by a thug Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum