Chapter 8

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Laying out your past felt like a huge relief. That part of your life was so dark, you never thought you'd tell anyone about it. As you've learned, Hotch isn't just anyone.

There's another tough case, but like most, the team had somehow managed to save the day. After packing your things, you're trying to untangle a pair of headphones. You grumble. The more you tug, the harder it is to get it loose.

"Having a little trouble." You look up to address the voice, and your eyes light up immediately.


He grins, and you practically jump out of your seat, pulling him into a hug. A few of them look over. When he finally releases you, you begin bombarding him with questions.

"How are you, where's Lois and the boys! Oh my goodness it's only been a few months but I bet they're as tall as trees by now."  He laughs, ushering you to get a breath.

"I'm fine, so are the boys, and Lois is well, Lois." Garcia shimmies over.

"And who is this?" You turn to Garcia.

"Oh right, Garcia this is Clark Kent, Clark this is Garcia." Reid and the others begin to come over, and you slowly introduce everyone. Hotch is the last.

"This is Aaron Hotchner, he's my boss." Clark holds out his hand, shaking it.

"Pleasure to meet you."  Hotch comments.

"Please, the pleasure is all mine. (Y/N) is really special to me." You smile, and Garcia wiggles her brows at the girls.

"Well we don't want to impose on your little reunion. It was nice meeting you." Garcia joins elbows with JJ and Prentiss who bid goodbye. Reid looks as though he wants to ask more questions, but Morgan stops him, pulling him away with Rossi.

"I suppose I'll leave you to it. Have a good night."

"Hotch wait!" He stops, and you look over at Clark.

"Clark knows everything about me, even my powers." Clark looks stunned.

"You told him about your abilities?"

"I had to, he's my boss and I..I trust him. " 

It's obvious that Clark hadn't anticipated this.

"Well I guess I should tell you why I'm really here. Lois told me about your father. I just came to make sure that you were alright. The last time you saw him you were in pretty bad shape." You should have known Clark would find out one way or another.

"Can we go and talk somewhere more private?" 

Clark nods. So you all head to the elevator. It's a bit quiet when you step inside, but that's solely because the topic of your father always left a bad feeling in the air. Hotch realizes that maybe this conversation is personal. So when you get to the bottom floor, he's about to excuse himself.

"I'll see you tomorrow at work." You nod. Hotch assumes you're headed to your car, but Clark suddenly picks you up bridal style and you squeak.

"This way is a lot faster."

 He doesn't say much more, just bolts. Hotch blinks, because he feels the force of wind, and just like that you're both gone.

It has become apparent that you aren't the only superhuman out there.

"Of course he has super speed."

Something about the way he freely touched you sort of irked Hotch. He did his best not to show it though.


It's only a few seconds before you're standing in front of your door. Clark laughs at your excited look. 

"I can't believe you just did that, Lois would not approve."

"Figured you could use the cheering up."

It did make you feel better. When he sets you down, you pull out your keys to open the door. The second you step in you reset the alarm. For a moment you linger there, and a smile makes its way on your face. Clark observes. Curious of the little smile you wear.

"Something else making you smile?" You shut the door, shaking your head.

"J-Just a funny memory."

"Hmm, you may be the mind reader, but I'm not oblivious. I noticed the way you looked at Aaron earlier. It's the same way I used to look at Lois when I was still chasing after her."

You can't fight the blush.

"W-What are you talking about! H-He's my boss I would never-"


"Is it that obvious?" Clark just chuckles. It's cute how you tried to deny it.

"I would think that with your powers you'd at least try to figure it out. Haven't you ever.." He makes a hand gesture and you shake your head.

"If he does feel the same, then I want to hear it from him. I am still learning to control this, but the last thing I'd ever do is invade his privacy like that. He trusts me. I can't betray that."

"I'm glad you feel so strongly about it. I'm not sure if I'd be able to handle knowing the thoughts of people around me (Y/N). You're amazing. Nothing like Manchester. " He knows you need to hear it. Not just as a reassurance, but as a truth. One he believes.

And slowly, so will you. 

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