Chapter 13

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"I lack self control."

Fixing your clothing, you'd exited Hotch's office and did your best to pretend you hadn't just partake in a heated make out session with your boss. Moving to your desk, you sit down, once again zoning out.

"He tastes like caramel."

He must have had a coffee or something on the way. Morgan looks over at your weird behavior.

"You good, you look a bit flushed. " You don't respond, and Prentiss peers at you.

"That must have been one hell of a lecture."

"You have no idea.."

Now they can't help but wonder what went on there. Hotch comes walking out.

"We have a case."

Snapping out of your haze, you jump into action.

Garcia is hot on Hotch's trail and you all follow from the back. You take the opportunity to admire him from behind. You only stop when you feel a surge of something. Your pause catches Hotch's eyes.

"Is something wrong?" The team turns with you.

"Oh, no, I just think I ate something bad. Let's go."

Hotch knows better than that. But right now isn't the best time. So he carries on. You all get the usual rundown of the case. As you're heading to the jet, Hotch boards right after you. He takes a seat next to you.

"I got the feeling that something wasn't right earlier."

The rest of the team takes their seats, and the jet is about to take off. Everyone seems invested in their own things. You look over at Hotch.

"You know those gut feelings you get when something big is about to happen?"


"I just had one. It's hard to explain. Given what I'm capable of, I've never been the superstitious type. But I can't differentiate if it's an aspect of my powers, or if this case is just giving me a bad feeling."

Hotch isn't sure what to make of that. Usually he's very good at giving advice in normal circumstances. But you're anything but normal.

"It's probably nothing, I'm not going to dwell on it."

"Gideon, he used to tell me that your gut is the only thing you can really trust when making a decision. No matter what, I think you need to be able to trust yourself. Trust your gift."

You look up. "So you think it means something?"

"I think you shouldn't brush it off. I want you to be careful. It could be your father making another appearance." Hotch's posture has changed to a more protective manner, and you can't stop the smile.

"I'm not worried when I have you here to help me." His eyes settle on you. For a moment, they drift to your lips, and you swallow.

"It's unethical to seduce me while we're working a case."

"I-I'm not!" You protest.

"I don't believe you." He teases. You fold your arms with a huff.

"You're such a kid sometimes."

Hotch couldn't argue with that.

~Missouri, Parkville~

"We're so glad you guys could make it. I have to say all my life serving this town, we've never had anything like this. " Hotch shook the lead officer's hand.

"Three of my agents are back at the precinct putting together a profile. This is our consultant (Y/N) Black. She'll be working with me."

"Nice to meet you, Detective Sherman Kale." He shook your hand as you all proceeded to enter the small apartment.

"His name is Jack Keller, student teacher. White male, twenty five. Hope you had a light lunch." When he opened the bedroom door, the sight of blood was most prominent. You stared. Inching around, you studied the position of the body, his clothes, and most important the source of all the blood.

"He's been disemboweled. "

Detective Kale nods.

"It's sick. The last body was exactly the same. But he isn't following a racial or gender pattern. The last victim was a female, forty-five, single mother.  There's no connection to the victims. As far as we know none of these people crossed paths."

"The killings have also been a week apart. He's patient, calculated. He isn't impulsive. He takes his time. This is an art to him. Look at the way the body's set up. " Both hands and feet were spread apart, fully clothed. 

"He's displaying them like a trophy." You state.

You couldn't put your finger on it, something about this felt familiar.

"You got something?" Hotch was never one to miss whenever you got that look in your eyes. You took a few steps back.

"There's something about this case that feels familiar. Like I've been here before."

"A past case." Kale suggests.

"Could be. Hotch I'm gonna head back to the precinct and see if I can run some suggestions by Reid and get a hit. "

"Alright, keep me updated." You nod, turning to head out. Heading to the car, you place your hand on the door, and you flinch, spinning around. There's a ringing at the back of your head, but this one feels different. Like a warning. Shrugging it off, you enter the car, driving off.

~Parkville Police Department~

"Reid, I need your mind for something."

"Sure what is it?" You present him with the stack of papers.

"These are the case files in the last ten years. I need you to cross reference these with any killings that may have occurred that mimic our current case. The MO might be slightly different. Maybe something premature."

"You think it might be connected. "

"I do. There's just something about this that feels like deja vu. I can't shake it. "

"I'll get right on it." He takes the files, and Prentiss walks over.

"Are you doing okay?"

You nod. "Yeah, I just can't shake this feeling. I really hope we find some kind of connection soon."

"Never doubt your gut."

"Hotch told me the same thing."

They're right, all you could do was trust yourself that this was something bigger.

You're just afraid that you won't be able to stop whatever this is before it's too late.

Aaron Hotchner (Criminal Minds)Where stories live. Discover now