Chapter 12

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The morning after was a bit awkward. Your nerves had gotten the better of you, so you woke before Hotch, got dressed and went to work. Basically you ran, like a chicken. What was even more ridiculous was the fact that it was your apartment. 

Hotch wasn't some stranger after a one night stand. Yet you couldn't get out of there faster. You showed up to quantico distracted. Strumming your fingers on the desk, you did your best to think of something else. But the only thing that seemed to plague your mind was the feel of Hotch's hands on your body. Or his lips on your skin. Fingers between your legs...

"(Y/N), my office."

You jump upright, stunned when Hotch walks past you.

"Y-Yes sir!"

"Oooh someone's in trouble." JJ teased.

Morgan and Prentiss snickered as you shuffled behind Hotch like a child being scolded. Entering his office, you could feel the tension in your body. Hotch closed the door, right before he moved to his desk, placing his bag down as he took a seat. He didn't say anything, and that just added to your nerves. 

Finally tired of the silence you spoke.

"We slept together." You blurt out.

"I know, I was there. I also heard you making a ruckus as you bolted this morning."

"Y-You were awake!"

"I wasn't at first. But with your sneaking skills you probably woke the entire building." You groan. It was stupid to think you could be slick and sneak away. Better yet, how can he be so cool about this?

"Do you regret it?"

This isn't the type of question you expect from him. Your answer means a lot to him, you can see that.

"I don't regret it." You drop into the seat.

"I've just never been in this position."

"I hope not. I'd be disappointed if you made a habit of sleeping with your bosses."

"I'm being serious!"

Though he's wearing his usual expression, you can see the ghost of a smile making its way on his face.

"Sir, I just think that we should really think about this."

"Sir? Are you trying to seduce me?"

Your cheeks burn pink, and you cross your legs.

"Could y-you please act like an adult for one second."

You say in a hushed annoyed voice. You never knew Hotch was this playful. It was getting you kind of..


No was not the time to get hot and bothered.

"You're getting turned on by this, I can see it on your face."

"Hotch!" You whine.

"Okay. I'm done."

He cleared his throat, giving you a neutral look and your body slumped.

"He's gonna be the death of me."

Somehow his serious face was getting you more excited.

"I know you're thinking about it right now. How good it felt last night."

You swallow. You've realized that Hotch has found a way to get past your little mind barrier. So now it's easier for him to let his more primal desires slip through. A pen drops on the floor, and he stands.

"Excuse me."

He gets up to pick it up, and he kneels right next to your chair. You inhale sharply at the hand that lands on your thigh.

"The moment you'd like this to stop, all you have to do is tell me." You bit down on your lower lip to hold back the whimper.

"This..isn't fair.."

"Isn't it, I'd say it's more than fair. Just. Say. When."

He punctuates every word, his palm moving higher up. You lean over slightly, fighting back a moan as you plead with him.


It was cruel to get you worked up when he knew full well you could be called away any second.

"I'm done being the type of person to tether all my feelings. You can hear everything, and I guess that's why it was so easy for me to get so comfortable with you. At the back of my mind I was relieved to meet someone who could hear the things even though I was scared to admit it to myself. I don't have to hide anything, or constantly put up a brave face when I'm with you."

"Exercise control, don't react."

He's still looking up at you with those hooded eyes.

You can't stop yourself. You slide out of the chair and kiss him. Full force, no restraint. Hotch retaliates, grinning against your lips. Your tongue slides in, and his palms grip your hips as he tries to pull you as close as possible.

So much for talking. 

Aaron Hotchner (Criminal Minds)Where stories live. Discover now