Chapter 17

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"Hotch, where are we going?"

With all the free time you have now, it's easy to make trips. But Hotch is using one of his few free weekends with you. He has a son, so you figured he'd be dying to spend every moment he can with family. He has yet to tell you where he's carrying you. You step to a door, and he knocks. The door opens, and the woman answers, bouncing a baby on her hip.

"Aaron! Jack, your dad is here!!" She calls.

"Thanks for looking after him."

The woman smiles.

"Are you kidding me, the only time I get peace is when Jack's around. I swear Ashton has become a different person." A toddler comes running out.


He jumps into Hotch's arms, and his friend bids him goodbye.

"Bye Jack!!" 

Jack waves excitedly, and you just stare. Jack turns to you with the biggest smile. Of all the things that were going to happen, you don't expect this.

"Hi! I'm Jack." He's so cheerful, and you don't know how to react.


You've forgotten your name.

"Umm I'm uhhh.." Jack laughs.

"You're Aunty (Y/N)," You look at Hotch stunned.

"You told him about me?"

"Of course."

It's crazy how elated you feel at that small aspect. 

"Jessica is waiting for us at her house. I hope that's okay."

It's better than okay, you just hope she likes you.

Jumping into the car, Hotch pulls off. Jack is playing actively in the back, and you do your best to distract yourself. It's not a long trip. Just a few blocks away. Jack is practically racing out the car when it stops. He's the first to the door, and you step out moving to the front door. Hotch is right behind you, and Jack is the one who knocks. The door opens, and the woman behind it smiles. You do your best not to show just how tense you are.

"It's nice to meet you."

Hopefully your voice is steady.

Before, your nerves were all over the place. The blond looks at you with a smile, ushering you inside. Jack runs in, giving her a hug, and she laughs. Hotch is the last one in, closing the door.

"Jack sweetie, I left a piece of pie on the table. Wanna go wash up to have a snack?" He nods furiously, rushing to the kitchen.

"I don't think there is much that he loves other than pie." Hotch is smiling as well. Jessica gives you a brief look.

"When Hotch told me he was dating again, I really didn't believe it."

From the sound of it, there haven't been many partners since he lost his wife. It's been years. You understand. She was the love of his life. It was hard to move on after losing something like that.

"I'm..sorry for your loss." 

You can't help but relay those words. Jessica's house is littered with photos of her sister. It's a bit painful. You're an only child, so you can't imagine what it's like to lose a sibling. But from the perspective of a family member, you understand.

"So am I." She's wearing an empathetic smile.

"We lost our mother too. So I know how hard that must be. With the issue of your father, it's amazing that you still manage to go out everyday and deal with your job. Especially all it entails. You're a remarkably strong woman Ms. Black." You can't help it, your cheeks flush, and she smiles.

"Are you blushing?" You divert your gaze.

"I'm sorry." You mumble. Jessica just giggles.

"Oh my you're adorable, Hailey would have loved you." Her statement warms your heart, and you smile.

"T-Thank you." She nods.

"Come on, let me cut you some pie. If I leave Jack too long he may eat all of it." 

Hotch sends you a loving look as you walk off with Jessica. The both of you settle in the kitchen, eating pie and chatting. For a moment, she steps away to begin preparing dinner. Jack has migrated to the living room to play with some toys and you move to find him. He has two cars in his hand, making what you assume as vehicular noises.

"Hey Jack, do you mind if I join?"

He smiles, handing you one of the cars.

There's a few action figures, and he grabs at it, as he begins having a mini battle between the both.

"Are they superheroes?" you ask.

"Yep, my hero has superpowers." He responds excited.


"Mhmmm, just like you."

You pause for a moment, blinking.

Did he really just..

You think you imagined it, but he's playing with his toys like nothing happened. You're still looking at him.

"Jack...can you hear me?"

He looks up with a bright smile nodding.

"You're a superhero, just like daddy."

You can't believe this. Here you thought Hotch was the only one gifted. Although Hotch learned to get past your barriers, Jack could actually hear the thoughts you were sending him. He rises, running off to get some more toys. Hotch walks over, and he's studying your look of astonishment.

You stand.

"Hotch, Jack he's just like you."

You can see his confusion, but he understands.

"Are you sure?"

"I'm positive."

Hotch wears a wistful look.

Jack comes running back, immediately going for his toys.

"Maybe someday he'll find someone like you." Hotch says.

You smile.

"That's a nice thought."  

Aaron Hotchner (Criminal Minds)Where stories live. Discover now