Chapter 1; Saving the lost

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Kaguya was almost sealed. After all the sacrifices that were made to save people; and all the deaths they had gone through, they were going to win for good.

After everything, they were going to succeed.

Sakura was coming with a punch, disabling Kaguya to flee from above.

Naruto and Sasuke were disabling her from both sides. Their hands barely made contact with her before she escaped upwards. 

She launched a bone into Sakura's heart while she fled upwards. Sakura's body dropped lifelessly in front of them.

She had become even faster than before. 

She broke Kakashi-sensei's sasunoo and stabbed him.

It all happened so fast that Naruto and Sasuke couldn't help but watch what happened.

Naruto could not have wholly avoided the rod coming to his heart. He was able to move enough to save his life, but it embedded itself in his arm, breaking it in the process. 

She was continuously attacking them and they were barely managing to evade.

Sasuke was beside Naruto in an instant. He had swapped positions with Naruto's clone just in time to avoid a bone. He was really, not faring well either.

By now, they were both incredibly exhausted.

She did not stop. They desperately tried to avoid the attempts at their lives growing in speed and power.

Their already battered clothes were getting more demolished by the second and so was their will. It was becoming impossible for them to evade her bones, let alone defeat her.

It was getting tough to survive now.

Once Sasuke got hit with one, Naruto knew no other option.

He had to resort to the final measure. He took out the scroll The Sage of six paths had given him, had they failed in sealing Kaguya. Which, they did.

With a limp hand, he tried to do his best could. THE unpredictable ninja, who never gave up, who always found a way out, who never lost hope, had been defeated.

He transferred his sun seal into the scroll. 

"Sasuke!" Naruto shouted. He arrived next to him almost instantaneously, switching places with his clone. 

Naruto signaled him to transfer his moon seal onto the scroll.

As soon as Sasuke did that, everything froze. 


Naruto was told by the rekudo sanin that he was to activate the seal when things turn the absolute worst way, which they did.

Sakura and Kakashi died. Kaguya escaped.

Rikudou sanin was floating right in front of them.

"So you failed to seal her" Rekudo sanin commented. Naruto looked down with tears in his eyes. He had just failed everyone who depended on him. The innocent lives which were waiting to flourish, the lives which were already growing. The shinobi who believed in him, everyone.

Sasuke had not only lost a fight but his whole world. He could no longer revive his clan just because he was weak. After years of hardships and suffering, he was still not good enough. Itachi was better than him, wasn't he?

"The shinobi world is no longer how it was supposed to be; how I imagined it to be. But someone has to make it right. My descendants have fought each other for centuries and the ninshu is in ruins." Rikudou sanin said.


There was no response from either one, not that the sage was expecting it.

"My mother has already taken the chakra of all the beings in this world, and she will not stop. I give you another chance to prove yourselves and save the world for the better. But this time, you won't have the opportunity to fail."

"Whatever you have in store for us, I will never fail you again," Naruto promised.

"My mother has won. You don't have time, my descendants. Trust yourselves to make the world better." The sanin spoke.

There was a sudden disturbance in the frozen world. Everything started to fall apart. Kurama and all the other tailed beasts began to form in the mindscape.

"K-Kurama!" Naruto shouted.

"That is as much as I can assist you, but beware, you must eliminate threats that can destroy this world." 

"Naruto, Sasuke; I am trusting the world I shaped, to you."

With that, everything fell apart.


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