Chapter 7; Physically 7 Mentally 27.

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Does anyone else think that the meme is very sad? No? Only me? Okay. 🗿

Vote and Comment! Constructive criticism is appreciated.

Also, ignore the chapter name it's just a joke.


"Welp, I guess that packs it up. Guess I will see you later, genins-not-genins." Hiruzen commented.

"Haha, yeah," Naruto laughed, trying to ignore Hiruzen's bad attempt to make a joke.

"I will see myself outside then, Dattebayo."

"Hn," Sasuke agreed.

Walking through the village Naruto couldn't help but remember the situation in their timeline, the same way every civilian had looked at the shinobi as they were looking at him.

With contempt and general hate.

All the happiness had vanished, they were losing. No one could've saved them, not the five kage, not anyone.

Civilians needed to do something; needed someone to blame, and their obvious option was the shinobi, the very people protecting them.

That was when it started. The downfall of Konoha—no, everything.

Now though, they had no proof of it all, except for the emotional baggage they carry.

But it was for the better after all. They get to relive it all, a chance given to none. They have a chance to fix everything. 

They will use it for the greater good, they know it.

Naruto smiled as he thought of the past, nothing was real now. Even if he told someone, they would think that it was a story made up by the imaginative mind of a 7-year-old.

No one would believe them. It was all over, now begins the era of their protection, the peace they promised to bring. And the relief too.

Sitting in the academy, he felt that he was so lucky he got to relive these little moments. 

Sasuke's fangirls had been crowding him, and Naruto was somewhere in the background, rolling his eyes.

He knew Sasuke was good-looking and all—but this many fangirls? Unheard of!

"Why does he get all the fangirls, I'm good-looking too," Naruto whispered to himself.

Sasuke calmly sat down, the fangirls unaware of his inner turmoil. They didn't try to be stealthy, as if telling him they liked but getting flustered if they were talked about it directly.

A 10 or 15 minutes later the fangirls did not go away. It was not like he hated having fangirls, no that. It was just that it was a disturbance to the peace he usually preferred while reading a book.

Sighing every two minutes, Sasuke tried his hardest to ignore them so he could read his book.

Taking a deep breath—

"Get lost!" Sasuke shouted and suddenly everything went still.

The fangirls were still for a moment before hell broke loose.

"He talked to me!"

"NO! He said it to me!"





Sasuke looked around him in disbelief. This was not happening.

"Bye," Sasuke said as he disappeared instantly, a leaf swirl appearing where he was moments earlier.

"Aww man, why did he leave? It was getting interesting," Naruto said, devouring his popcorn regardless.

Five minutes later found Sasuke sitting in the classroom, parking plans to kill a certain blonde boy agonizingly. All his fangirls were on the other side of the class, gazing at him.

"Hey pretty boi," Naruto said sitting beside him.

"You say anything to me and I will roast you alive," Sasuke threatened.

"Okay :>"

"But for the account, you can't roast me alive. I am stronger than you."

"Woah, when did that happen?" Another voice interrupted their usual banter. They saw Shikamaru sitting behind them.

Both of them looked at each other before Sasuke decided it was time.

"Don't lie, idiot."

"Oh no you don't," Naruto did NOT take the clue.

"Everyone knows I am more powerful than you right now," Sasuke emphasized on the right now and Naruto looked at him with the 'o' face.

"As if, teme."


Shikamaru couldn't help but notice something was off.

Their banter was less... violent? And they didn't actually seem that angry, almost as if they were pretending.

"Alright class, take your seats. We will learn chapter 5 today, open your textbooks." Iruka joined through the door.

"Yes sensei," the class said in unison. 


With this, I wrap up chapter 7.

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