Chapter 4; To the Academy, Again.

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He was sitting at his desk in the academy, with Sasuke. They were 20 minutes early for the academy to start.

Sasuke had somehow convinced his parents that he hadn't sneaked out at night.

Naruto and Sasuke had brainstormed some ideas before this to hide his Rinnegan, but none of them seemed that plausible.

In the end, the best idea they had was a high-level genjutsu.

As the class started filing in, many of them occasionally stole glances at Naruto, (for he was never really there for any class, he just skipped them, let alone be early.)


"Quiet down cla-" Iruka stopped mid-sentence. Ordinarily, his class took almost half an hour to completely quiet down so he could start teaching. 

But, today, unusually, his class was silent with a few hushed whispers and murmurs here and there.

His gaze fell onto Naruto Uzumaki who was sitting on the first bench with Sasuke Uchiha. 

"Naruto, what are you doing here?" Iruka asked the question which was on the mind of most of the class. 

"What do you mean, sensei? Am I not allowed to be here?" Naruto asked, blinking his eyes innocently.

'Give this guy a medal' Sasuke thought.

Grrrrr, demon. Whatever.

"Anyways, As we were studying in the previous class, for all of you to become proud shinobi of Konoha, you need to be aware of its glorious past. The first Hokage, Hashirama Senju was a very powerful shinobi. He created this village with Madara Uchiha. Madara sought to be the Hokage, but the village chose Hashirama over him and he wanted revenge. The first Hokage fought with his childhood friend to bring him back but had to kill him in the end. A glorious sacrifice. " Iruka finished.

Naruto looks on, unimpressed. 

"This was a recap of the previous lesson. Today is a pop quiz. I hope you all have prepared for it." Iruka voiced.

'At this point in time, I might as well know everything about history.' Naruto and Sasuke thought in unison.

"So, Sakura. Who was the Nidaime (Second Hokage)?"

"Tobirama Senju"

"Very good."

"Ino, Hashirama Senju's wife was?"

"Mito Uzumaki..?"


And as the quiz proceeded, the duo felt more and more sleepy.

"Naruto! Where was Madara defeated and by whom?" Iruka intentionally gave Naruto a harder question so he won't be able to answer. 'Heh, take that, demon.'

"Hmmmmmmmmmm, the valley of the end by Hashirama Senju." Naruto did a thinking pose.

"C-correct" Iruka could hardly believe his ears. Not only had that demon shown up for the first time but also answered a question that was not even in the book.

"Y-you may sit."

'My offer still stands, give this guy a medal.' Sasuke thought, amused.


"And that is how you survive in the academy," Naruto announced as cracked his joints.

"You didn't even do anything, idiot," Sasuke said.


Naruto turned around only to find Kiba, Shikamaru, and Choji behind him.

"Hey, guys!" Naruto waved and Choji happily waved back, munching his chips. Shikamaru gave a lazy smirk and Kiba smiled a little as his dog wooded.

"Naruto, don't think you can get rid of us that easily!" Kiba remarked.

"Not planning on it!"


Le End

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