Chapter 13: Plan

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"We can just circle around the camp," closing the curtain in Giana's dorm room.

"No, we have to see if they are specific places where we spot them, where their hideout is. Remember it will not be the specific place but the area we spot them should give us a hint where the hideout is," Giana reinforms me, taking a replica of the camp map, placing it on her bed. Giana is always the prepared one when it comes to spying, Ion the other hand a, prepared when it comes to assassination.

"I can just shoot them with my sniper, what is the problem with that?" I ask with a bored expression and it is-so-obvious tone in my voice. Rolling my eyes at her for being so patient.

"Why is it that on any mission, you always want to shoot first and ask questions maybe if they are alive or ask questions never?" Giana asks me with a hence of annoyance in her voice.

"Only because you are the one that always has a plan, analyse and I'm the one that likes the guns, and action," I say as I watch Giana mark a cross over where we saw the men in black suits, "Your training was design to be a spy remember mine was to do more than just spying."

"How do we make such a good team?" Giana asks, facepalming herself, "Like how do we make a good team 'cause you are the most rebellious agent I have ever met."

"I would also like to know how we have won all our missions so far," I remark. Looking at the map and realizing that the men must have a key to the dorms.

"In the report, we got for our mission, didn't it say that their stuff would go missing?" I investigate and Giana gets her laptop and checks. She nods to me.

"So, they would have needed time to replicate every key unless all the dorms have the same key," I articulate, Giana's face lighting up at my explanation.

"Let's go and see, we will go to your dorm and use my key," Giana commands, hiding her laptop away and takes her key.

"Good because Anurak has my key, I didn't realize there were two keys... If the door is locked then we can try if not, then it means the guards have to have a key for every dorm door," I say as we exit her room and start walking towards the door.

"Hey, Giana... Anurak and I are going to hang out at his after lunch," Santo states, hugging Giana, his long arms around her tiny waist making me raise my eyebrow and smirk at her.

"It is not what it looks like, I swear," Giana rolls her eyes at me, turning her attention back to walking towards the door.

Her dorm looks the same as mine; the only different detail is the window just before the TV.

A bell rings with a high pitch that is similar to the school bell indicating it is lunchtime.

"So, this is the plan, we will have lunch, after lunch, we will go and see. This should help us find each other, it is connected with the chips that are inside us," she states indicating the chip we have in our tooth, the agency makes every agent have it in case an agent is in danger, we remove it from our tooth. We are also not allowed to go to any dentist besides for the dentist the agency recommends, "so if we can not find each other then we know we are tracking each other. After lunch, if we do have free time, we can carry on looking for clues, if not then one of us can fake our low iron levels and get out preferably me because you are the second-best boxer in the school, so it is more believable if it is me," Giana ever explains herself. We start walking out of the dorm towards the main hall for lunch, at less there is a crown of familiar faces already standing there and moving towards the main hall.

"I miss my phone," I groan, we follow people that are walking to the main hall.

"We all do," says Taeyong and Gabriela as they walk up to Giana and me.

"I wonder what we can eat," says Taylor as we walk to the main hall. We bunch up in our friend's groups waiting for the coaches and camp guides to allow us in.

"Here, your dorm key, Anurak told me to give it to you," Taeyong says, handing me the key. I take it and put it in my bra strap, so I have it on me the whole time.

"Thanks," I mutter back to Taeyong.

"Good evening, I am councillor Ahura, and this is councillor Alec. We hope we can make this camp fun but also make sure you guys keep fit. If you respect me, I will respect you but if you do not, I will make camp hell for you. I hope we can all have fun while being respectful," councillor Ahura introduces himself.

Councillor Ahura is a tall thin man with a tattoo sleeve on his left hand, making him look attractive. His hair is a Long 4/6 Bangs haircut. His jawline is very sharp, it looks like you can cut fruit with it. He was wearing black track pants with a very tight shirt that outlined and defined his muscle. He is kind of attractive.

Councillor Alec is a petite female, that looks like she just came out of a fitness commercial. She was wearing working out tights and a sports bra that might have been a bit too tight for her.

"After lunch, we will warm up and get to know each other," says councillor Alec.

Everyone murmurs, 'yes' in response. I want to know why because she didn't seem to be asking the question.

"The people with special dietary please come first," councillor Ahura

screams, so everyone can hear. I start walking to the front of the line.

"The guys in the front, tell me your dietary requirements so councillor Alec or I can help you," implies as he opens the main hall's front door.

The hall has round tables with plastic orange chairs around the tables. Every table has a different number of chairs making it perfect for different types of friendship groups. The round tables were either red or yellow. On the left side is blue tables; food has been placed on them.

I snap out of checking the hall out when I reached Ahura.

"Vegetarian, lactose and gluten intolerant," I say as he looks at me in shock.

"Okay, you will be with the vegetarian side, you will see it has a name tag that says Veg," Councillor Ahura confirms pointing to the far end of the blue tables.

"Thank you," I murmur, taking the tray from his hand. He returns a kind smile.  

Until I Find YouNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ