Chapter 20: Emotions?!

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I look at my surroundings; there are lots of trees. Tall trees mainly but very rare are there short trees. Why would I be surrounded by trees? I am in a forest. I see silhouettes of two people. My feet start pounding on the ground, it sounded like an elephant running but I am walking. My feet take me to the people but the closer I seem to get, the further I seem to be getting. It is like I am running on a tread mill and the faster I run, the faster the treadmill gets. Very little progress to get to the silhouettes. I start picking up my paste, I feel like I start moving forward. I finally see the two people getting clearer in vision.

The silhouette with broad shoulder and bigger anatomy- could be a male with the anatomy- has a gun pointing towards the familiar petite figure- they have a female anatomy- petite silhouette. A gun trigger is pulled, the noise echoes through the whole forest. The birds in the trees, fly away making a rustling noise from the birds leaving branches and leaves. My ears have a ringing sound. Putting my hands in my ears to try and stop the ringing but it is no use. I was close to the gun which means my ears need time to adjust. Also meaning I moved closer towards the two figures.

The female figure drops to the grown gasping for air. She starts bleeding, I run towards her but before I could get to her, a different petite female figure approaches her. The first female body has blood coming out of their mouth, they have to be the one that got shot. She leaves the first aid kit that was in her hand on the floor looking at the wound. I realized the female petite's silhouette is Amahle's as I get closer. She smiles at me. Stefani was on the floor, but the male figure was nowhere to be seen. I look around me going in circles trying to find the male silhouette.

Amahle hugs me then she lets go. I look at her with confusion, "why would you hug your ex?" Runs through my head as I see a small hut shaped cottage house.

The colour was a tangerine orange colour, it had a red stripe embroidered on it, indicating the entrance. It is beautiful.

I walk towards the hut, only to see Anurak coming out of the entrance of the hut. He looks at me with a smirk. Amahle looks at him with a death glare. I see figures in the distance. I start walking towards them like my feet have a mind of their own. The figures become clearer, I walk towards them. It was Giana, Taylor and Alexander standing. They all look in a direction but with fear in their eyes. I walk up to them looking to the left of me to see snakes around a human's body. I try to scream but it was like I have lost my voice. I ran out of breath trying to scream, I try to regain and steady my breath. I try to run but I was trapped in the same mud my friends are in. My heart starts beating, it is beating so fast I can feel it in my chest and hear it in my ears.

All my friends get free but they start to leave me. Someone wraps their hand around my waist and gets me out of the mud. It was Amahle. I nod in appreciation of her helping me. She wraps her arms around me very securely and a little too roughly. She starts squeezing me, making me run out of breath. I start feeling dizzy.

Someone roughly yanks me out of her grip and holds me tightly.

"Shh," a voice familiar to Anurak's voice speaks, "I am here. Calm down. She can not hurt you."

Until I Find YouTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang