Chapter 1: Break up

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''I'm breaking up with you, ' his voice rings in my head.

Ring! Ring!

The bell for lunch goes. Today is not my day and I am fairly sure my best friend since childhood Giana could see that. We had a free period. Removing my earphones, neatly wrapping the cord around them in a circular motion, placing them gently in my bag while Giana is putting her Afrikaans homework in her bag. I get up, grabbing my lunch box and start walking towards the door until Giana catches up to me, she starts interrogating me, "Hey, are you okay. You look like the blood from your face has been drained out?" We start walking together heading towards the cafeteria.

"I am alright, is there something wrong with me?" I ask as we enter the cafeteria. I see him smiling and having fun while I am feeling sombre. I look at myself -in the mirror right by the cafeteria entrance. The black clothes that I am wearing make my complexion look light considering my skin colour is Tawny-orange. My long hair that reaches my mid-thigh is in a French plait, my hair colour is chestnut brown with copper highlights at the bottom. The jeans go with my body shape, making my hip look a little bigger and my waist smaller. I look at my hazel eyes in the mirror before I divert my attention, towards the cafeteria to see that the matrics are having a break at the same time as us-the tenth graders.

I see my older brothers Lucas and Daniel; they are twins, looking in my direction making no eye contact with them but instead looking at the bench that my friends and I normally sit on, for majority of our breaks. Putting my lunch box on the table, moving my left leg over the bench, as my left leg reaches the floor, picking my right leg hopping it over the bench, meeting the floor again on the inside of the bench. Sitting on the bench and laying my head on the table of the metal bench. I honestly am not in the mood to eat; my appetite is suppressed considering my boyfriend of two years just recently dumped me.

'Aryan Govender just dumped me after two years,' thinking that my stomach starts to feel ill; it internally feels like it is turning. My eyes starting to get watery, making me roughly close my eyes, hoping the tears will stop. It dries up a bit. I pick my head up to see all my friends staring at me with worry written all over their faces.

"Are you doing alright, Tiana?" Giana questions, looking me in the eyes, "Should we talk in the bathroom or after school?"

"Let's talk after school, I am not in the mood right now," I say sitting up straight, fixing my posture on the chair, making my back straight, while looking at my food.

"Should I call your boyfriend...maybe he can cheer you up," Gabriela says, trying to read my facial expression. My stomach twist, making me to feel more ill.

He is the reason to why I feel like this

I think while seeing him laughing with Amber Wilson. The popular girl from our grade, every guy wants to get into her pants. She has a good body.

"I am fine, I just want to go home," I say, looking at the table and the faces of my friends. Worrisome and concern written all over their faces.

Giana's light brown eyes meet mine; you could see the concern in her eyes. She moves her long layered hair out of her face, to see me more visibly.

Turning my head to look at Gabriella who is sitting next to me only for her greenish-blue eyes to be looking right back at me. She moves her body posture to sit upright to have a better look at me. Her facial expression portrays panic.

Turning to my left to see Taeyong looking at his brother but very apace diverts his attention to me. He looks at me with a brotherly look that my older brothers normally look at me when I use to break down from school. His face then turns into a perturb expression.

Swiftly drawing my attention between Giana and Taeyong to see Taylor looking at me as if I were dying. The worry and fear in her eyes left an unsettling emotion with me, quickly divert my attention between Gabriella and Giana to see Alex. His deep blue eyes look into my hazel eyes. I could not read his facial expression, but rather I can not understand it.

My best friends are worried about me. I am surprised they have not heard, gossip and drama spread faster than STD's in high school.

"I am going to the nurse's office and saying I do not feel so good," I say, picking up my untouched lunch and walking to the exit of the cafeteria. Making my way towards the hallway, to my previous class. My head starts spinning, making me slow down my pace.

"I should come with you, just to help you," says Giana, catching up to me, before I enter the classroom we were in for our previous period.

As we exit the hallway, going into the entrance of the previous class we were in. Giana looks around making sure we are the only two in the room before asking, "What happened?"

"Aryan broke up with me after two years," I spite out, making me feel worst from hearing it out loud. It starts sinking in, making me feel like I am about to break down. She does not say anything but instead, she stops me, embracing me into a tight hug, one that speaks more comforting words than words itself would have done. Her arms draping around me in a secure and protective way.

She starts pulling away, gently removing her arms away from me. Lowering her gaze from the classroom window to my, looking her into eyes, her facial expression shows sympathetic look. Tilting her head towards the classroom door. I look towards the classroom, letting my feet drag me to the entrance of the classroom. Giana takes a hold of my lunch box, while I walk towards the desk I was sitting at. She walks outside, waiting for me to collect my stuff.

Grabbing my school bag, pulling the strap over my right shoulder, the heavy bag resting on my right shoulder, feeling pressure on my right shoulder blade muscle. I grab my tog bag from under the chair, bring the strap to my left shoulder. My right shoulder has more pressure than my left shoulder and I can distinctly tell the bags apart by the weight. I turn on my heels, making sure I did not leave any of my stuff behind. Making my way back to the hallway, where Giana is waiting for me. I start walking out the door, looking at Giana resting her body wait on the frame of the door, turning on the balls of my feet towards the office once I exit the classroom. Giana helps me by taking my tog bag from me. She briskly moves my tog bag onto her shoulder. I pull my left strap from my bag over my left shoulder, evenly distributing the pressure on both shoulders.

Walking towards the office, in comfortable silence. Giana glancing at me, making sure I am not crying or having a breakdown session. Stepping over the steps in the front of the office. Walking towards the school nurse's area. Getting to the school nurse's office, her door was closed. Giana makes her hand into a fist, gently but firmly leaning her fist to the door, back and forward on the door. The school's nurse opens the door; Mrs Hanzes was in today.

At least it is the nice nurse and not the mean one.

"Morning Ma'am I am not feeling so good," I state while Mrs Hanzes looks at me, putting the back of her hand, to my forehead.

"Oh dear, Tiana you do not look good, and you seem to be burning up. Go lie down in the sick room and I will call your dad to pick you up," Mrs Hanzes sweetly replies, taking my tog bag and lunch bag from Giana.

Making our way to the sick room, knocking on the first room of the sick rooms. Hearing someone from the first sick room.

"Sorry," I reply, moving to the second and last room, the door wide open. Putting my bag down in the sick room, Mrs Hanzes leaves my other stuff by my bag. Giana hugs me, a tight hug. She and Mrs Hanzes walks out the door, leaving me alone in the dull room. I place my school bag down by my tog bag. I remove some of the sheets from the bed, making my way into the bed. Covering myself with the bit of sheet I removed earlier. Laying my head gently on the pillow. My eyes start getting heavy, darkness starts to consume me.

Mrs Hanzes, gently shakes me awake, "Your dad says he can not pick you up, but you can go home with one of your brothers because he is too busy with work."

My dad is always way too busy for me, it is like I am a forgotten or the disposable child for my father. My dad never has time for me.

"Ma'am can you wake me up when my brothers are done school?" I ask and she nods in response.

"Sure, you get some rest now," she kindly responses closing the door as she walks out. 

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