Chapter 3: A Deal Over Dinner

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It's been three days since my meeting with father and now I'm back in the castle halls. The same guard as last time got me from my cell and was now leading me through the castle.

He took me to a different set of doors from last time. I knew these doors. Inside was my old room.

Once inside, the guard left and I was alone. Soon though, three maids appeared to get me ready. They bathed me, did my hair, and applied my makeup. Then they got me dressed.

I hadn't worn a gown in years and I had missed it. I used to love dressing up. Especially when Mama came to dress me up.

She wasn't here this time though and I felt her absence in my soul. Still, I put on the gorgeous sky blue gown. The bodice was white in the middle and had pearls sewn in while the sleeves and skirt were a heavenly shade of blue. For the first time in a long time, I truly felt like a Princess.

Once I was ready, the guard came back and led me downstairs. He took me to a dining room where Father was already sitting with another man. Prince Beckham I'd assume.

Father and Prince Beckham stood and I curtsied as I was supposed to. When I rose, I got a good look at the Prince. He was the most handsome man I'd ever seen. His caramel skin looked smooth and clear and complimented his brown shoulder length hair perfectly. I found myself wanting to run my fingers through it. And God, he was tall. I'd never seen a taller man before.

My blue eyes met with Prince Beckham's honey ones as he bowed his head in a sign of respect. I bowed my head back and took a seat. Father was on my right at the head of the table and Prince Beckham was across from me.

"Prince Beckham, meet my niece, Lady Talia."

Father gave me a pointed look, reminding me of my role and I gave a subtle nod in return.

"It's a pleasure to meet you Lady Talia," Prince Beckham's silky smooth voice said.

"The pleasure is mine Your Highness."

I may have been down in the dungeons for years, but I never once forgot Mother's lessons in court etiquette. Even though I never left my room, she wanted to make sure I was educated in the royal ways; and I'm glad she did.

Three servants came out with the first course. The burrata salad looked delicious and my mouth was practically watering. Then again, I hadn't had anything like this in years.

Looking down at my silverware, I made sure to pick up the proper fork. I wouldn't want to make a fool of myself in front of the Prince.

Keeping my manners in perfect check, I made my way through the dinner without any slipups. I hope Father is pleased.



I don't know what I was expecting of Lady Talia, but what I got was much better than I ever could've imagined. Her wavy ebony hair made her porcelain skin pop and her long lashes perfectly framed her soft blue eyes. She was the most beautiful woman I'd ever seen.

Dinner went well. I couldn't keep my eyes off of Talia. Her eyes held a spark as she looked around in amazement. It was as if she was seeing everything for the first time.

Then she spoke and her voice was heavenly. I couldn't get enough of it.

This girl was amazing. I found myself wanting things to work out between us, but scolded myself when I realized I'd only been focusing on her looks. She hadn't spoken much at dinner and I still didn't have a sense of her personality. I still want love, I can't let looks distract me from that.

After the last dish was cleared, King Henry stood and Talia and I followed.

"If you will please excuse Lady Talia," King Henry said, "it has been a long day and I'm sure she is ready for bed."

"Yes, of course. It was a pleasure making your acquaintance Lady Talia."

"And yours," she replied with a curtsy before slipping away.

King Henry led me to a sitting room where servants poured us each a drink.

"So, what do you think?" King Henry asked me.

It almost felt like I was shopping for furniture and that disgusted me. I know this is a business arrangement, but to speak of his niece as if she were an object didn't sit well with me.

Still, I had to make a decision.

And the perfect one came to mind.

"I'm still not sure," I told King Henry. "I'd like for Lady Talia to come stay at my palace for a month, at the end of which I will make my final decision."

King Henry thought this over before giving a nod.

"That can be arranged," he finally said. "Stay the night and you both can leave in the morning."

"Thank you Your Majesty."

King Henry nodded once again and motioned for a servant to bring me to my room.

"Thank you," I told the maid.

"It's my pleasure Your Highness."

I went into the chambers she led me to and quickly undressed before slipping into bed.

The last thing I saw before falling asleep was Talia's soft blue eyes.

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