Chapter 20: Stress Relief

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I've been pacing back and forth in my room all morning. I was a big ball of stress ready to explode. 

My wedding is in two days and it just now occurred to me that my father will be coming. He will know something is up and my loved ones will get hurt. I can't let that happen.

Oh God, what am I supposed to do?

I was currently supposed to be finalizing seating charts, but instead I'm here freaking out. So not only am I panicking, but I'm also being a complete failure.

The door opened and I heard Anna's voice.

"She's over here Your Highness."

Suddenly, Beck was in front of me, his eyes staring into my own.

"What's going on?" He asked.

"My father will be at the wedding. He will know I told. I don't know how, but he will. There could've been more spies or maybe he will just be able to tell, but he will know."

Beckham cut off my nervous ramble with a kiss that I found myself melting into. My fingers wove into his soft hair as our lips moved in sync.

"Did you kiss me just to stop my ramble?" I asked.

"Not just," Beck said. "But now that I have, everything will be fine. We made sure that there are no other spies and there will be extra guards all around you tomorrow."

"It's not me I'm worried about," I whispered, looking down.

Beck gently tilted my chin up so I was looking him in the eye. "Would it help if I assigned Anna and Lina a personal guard?"

"You'd do that?" I asked.

"I'd do anything for you."

I wrapped my arms tightly around Beckham and hugged him with all I had.

"Thank you."

"You're welcome. Now come on."

"Where are we going?" I asked.

"To help you relieve some stress."

I was confused but followed Beck anyways. He led me out to the training area and slipped two thick pads on his hands.

"Punch," he said, holding his hands up.

"I don't want to hurt you."

"You won't."

I took a deep breath and punched one of the pads. Then the other. Soon punches were flying and Beck just encouraged me to keep going.

I punched and punched until all of my worry was gone.

I went to get some water when a heard a whistle. I looked over to see Tyler watching us. I'd gotten used to having Tyler around and even considered him a friend now. He was kind of like a big brother to me.

"She's a vicious little thing," he said.

And he was also kind of a jerk. I'd show him.



I watched as Talia's fist slammed into Tyler's face, knocking him on his ass.

I threw my head back and laughed. I laughed so hard it hurt. That was the best thing I've ever seen. Oh God, I wish I could just watch that moment over and over again.

"What the hell man?" Ty said.

"You totally deserved it," I told him, still laughing.

Tyler grumbled something unintelligible and I ran off after Talia.

"That was amazing," I told her.

"Really? Because I feel awful. I shouldn't have done that. I should go apologize."

"No, don't. That was the best thing I've ever seen. Never apologize for that."

"Is Tyler ok?" Talia asked.

"He's had much worse injuries, he will be fine."

Talia sighed. "Thank God. I felt so bad."

"Well don't," I said and kissed her head.

Wrapping my arm around Talia, I walked her back to her room where her maids were waiting. I'd learned that their names were Anna and Lina and they were Talia's best friends. I was glad she had them.

"Could you get some ice for Talia's hand please?" I asked.

Anna rushed off while Lina examined Talia's hand.

"Are you ok?" Lina asked.

"Yeah," Talia told her.

"What happened?"

Anna walked in with the ice and I told them the story of Talia punching Tyler in the face. At first they were cautious around me, but once Talia told them it was ok they opened up and laughed.

"I wish I could've seen that," Lina said.

"We could stage a reenactment," I suggested.

"No!" Talia exclaimed. "I already feel bad enough."

"Don't. Tyler is fine. It takes a lot more than a punch to keep him down."

Talia nodded and I kept going over that moment in my head. It was perfect. One second Tyler was talking, the next Talia's fist was slamming into his face. And she could really pack a punch.

"How's your hand?" I asked.

"It's ok. A little sore, but mostly fine."

I lifted the ice off of Talia's hand and pressed a kiss to her knuckles.

"That's my girl."

Talia blushed and I gave her a kiss on the cheek before leaving her with her friends.

I went to go see Tyler and found him in his office with a bag of ice pressed to his face. I tried and failed to fight back a smirk.

"She really got you good."

"Yeah," Tyler grumbled. "She didn't hold back this time."

"Aww. Need me to kiss it and make it better?" I asked in a baby voice.

Tyler glared at me and I laughed.

"Seriously man, never get on her bad side," Ty said and shuddered. The Captain of the Guard shuddered at my fiance. My little ray of sunshine. How amazing is that?

"I don't plan to."

But he was right. I'd feel bad for anyone who made an enemy out of my Sunshine for she would kick their ass. 

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