Chapter 19: Planning

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Wedding planning has taken over every waking moment since Beckham moved it up. I spent long hours with Maria going over colors and flowers and invitations and it was a lot, but I had fun. I enjoyed my time with Maria.

"Ok. So we are going with lilac and silver?" Maria asked to confirm.

"If you think that's ok."

"I think it's perfect."

We moved onto flowers and I couldn't choose so I asked Maria to pick. The floral arrangement we ended up with was perfect and I couldn't imaging anything better.

Then came my favorite part of the whole day. Cake testing! At least twenty different samples of cake were brought in and I made Beckham come to help with this decision.

We tried every single one. All of them were delicious, but the one that stood out to me was the chocolate caramel cake. It melted on my tongue and I nearly moaned. That cake instantly became my third favorite food after strawberries and ice cream.

"What do you think?" I asked Beckham.

"I think we are going to need two of that chocolate caramel because I could eat a whole one myself."

I giggled and the baker took down our decision.

"How's wedding planning been going?" Beck asked in our little moment of alone time.

"Good. It's fun."

"I'm glad."

Beck leaned in to kiss me when Maria came back into the room.

"Time for dress fittings!" She announced and I was dragged away from my fiancé.

I sent him a pleading look and he chuckled.

Maria placed a blind fold over my eyes once I was positioned for the fitting.

"What's the blindfold for?" I asked.

"I want your dress to be a surprise," she explained.

It was kind of exciting, but also excruciating not knowing what my dress looked like. I knew it would be beautiful since Maria helped design it, but I was anxious to see it.

I was so relieved when the fitting was finally done and the blindfold was removed.

My day of planning was done except for one thing. I rang the bell next to my bed and my friends soon appeared.

"How was your day of wedding planning?" Lina asked, plopping down on the bed.

"It was good," I said, "but I have one more item on my agenda."

"What is it?" Anna asked.

"Well, I have a question to ask you guys."

The girls looked at me expectantly.

"Will you be my bridesmaids?"

"Us? Really?" Lina asked and I nodded.

"We're your maids. Is that even allowed?" Anna asked. She was always a rule follower.

"It is," I told her. "Beckham said I could have whatever I wanted and I want you two to be my bridesmaids."

"Well, in that case, I'd love to," Anna said and Lina squealed her acceptance.

We jumped around together and I hugged my two best friends in the whole world.

"I love you guys," I told them.

"We love you too," they said in sync.

"I swear you guys are twins," I joked making us all laugh.

I spent the night with the girls looking at bridesmaid dress options. The gowns we settled on were absolutely gorgeous and I knew the girls would look stunning.

"Are you sure you want us to be your bridesmaids?" Anna asked nervously.

"Of course. You are my sisters and there's no one else I'd rather have with me on my wedding day."

I hugged Anna as tears filled her eyes and Lina soon joined.

"Your our sister too," she said. "Always and forever."

"Always and forever," Anna and I repeated, sealing the pact.

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