Chapter 6: The Ocean

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I've been at Prince Beckham's palace for a week now and I'm starting to settle in.

I finally got Maggie to call me Talia and Lina and Anna wanted to be my friends! I've never had friends before! Of course I didn't tell them that though.

Prince Beckham made time for me almost every day. He took me for a real tour of the palace and I got to see inside the rooms. The library was my favorite and Prince Beckham said I could go there whenever I wanted. I already finished three books.

Life here was refreshing. I got three meals a day, friends to talk to, and a nice comfy bed. I'm scared that Prince Beckham will send me back though. The thought is constantly in my mind.

I turned back to the book I had been reading, but couldn't seem so focus so I put it down and looked out the window. Vaella is beautiful. The grass is the greenest I've ever seen although that isn't much, the trees are so tall they must touch the sky, and even still I can almost see the ocean. A little glimmer on a strip of blue.

I've always wanted to see the ocean. To run through the warm sand and cool my feet in the water. Maybe one day I'll get to experience that.

"Lady Talia."

I jumped at the voice and turned to the source.

"Prince Beckham."

"What are you up to?" He asked me, taking a seat.

"Just looking outside," I told him. "You can almost see the ocean from here."

"The beach isn't too far from here, but the trees block the view."

I nodded. "I've always wanted to see the ocean."

"You've never been?"

Prince Beckham sounded shocked. I shook my head and smiled sheepishly.

"We will have to fix that. I'll meet you at your chambers in an hour."

Prince Beckham strolled out of the library, leaving me a bit confused. What just happened? I went over the conversation in my head a few times.

Prince Beckham is taking me to the beach!

I jumped up and ran back to my room where I rang for Lina and Anna. I was jumping around in glee when they came in.

"What's with all the excitement?" Lina asked.

"The Prince is taking me to see the ocean! I've never been before!"

"That's so exciting!"

The girls helped me get ready and we talked about their experiences with the ocean. Lina had been twice when she was young and Anna had sailed over the ocean two years ago when she moved here.

Just as the girls were pinning in the last strand of hair, there was a knock at the door. I lept out of my chair and ran to the door. I was a little breathless when I opened it.

"Prince Beckham," I curtsied.

"Lady Talia."

Prince Beckham offered me his arm. "Shall we?"

I nodded and took his arm, waving goodbye to my friends with my free one.

We ended up in the carriage again and a short ride later, we arrived. The carriage door opened and I gasped at the sight before me. It was even more beautiful than I imagined.

The deep blue water sparkled as waves rippled through and the yellow sand was perfectly smooth.

Once I was out of the carriage I took of running. I kicked my heels off and ran through the sand. How amazing is this?

I wiggled my toes in the sand and turned around upon hearing a chuckle.

"Do you like it?" Prince Beckham asked me.

"I love it!"

I surprised myself by running up to Prince Beckham and hugging him. He was tense at first, but soon relaxed into the embrace.

"Thank you so much Your Highness."

"Just Beckham."

I looked at the Prince confused.

"Just call me Beckham. No titles."

"Ok. Then you just call me Talia."

Beckham nodded and took my hand. He led me over to where a blanket had been spread out in the sand.

"What's this?" I asked.

"We are having a picnic," Beckham explained.

I nodded. I'd read about picnics. People sat on the ground and ate food. I'd never really understood the appeal, but here with Beckham, I got it.

I sat down next to Beckham on the checkered blanket and he opened a wicker basket. He pulled out lots of food starting with fruit and ending with cake. I learned that I love cake.

Beckham offered me the food and I tried a red berry. I moaned, it was so delicious. Then my face turned the same color as the berry realizing I wasn't alone.

"Do you like those?" Beckham asked.

I nodded vigorously. "They are so sweet!"

Beckham chuckled. "They are called strawberries."

"Well then strawberries are my new favorite food."

Beckham chuckled again and I decided it was my new favorite sound. Lots of new favorites today.

After we ate, we laid back on the blanket and watched the sun go down. The sky turned pink and orange with wisps of purple. It was gorgeous and the ocean glistened in response.

I could've stayed at the beach forever, but when it started getting dark we had to leave. With one last look back at the beach, I stepped into the carriage.

"That was amazing, thank you," I told Beckham back at the palace.

"I'm glad you had fun."

I smiled and gave Beckham a kiss on the cheek before blushing and running back to my room.

What a day.

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