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I felt some liquid coming out of my private part, I thought it was urine. I rush to check to check and to my surprise it was blood. I was so scared and scream at the top of my voice "though I knew what it is likely to be"

Salmah: Ummi!!, come here oo, Come and see

Surojah: {rushes to her} Whats the matter?? { she checks Salmah's pant and smiles} Maashallah you are finally grown .

Salmah: ummi what's this?? I can't remember been injured and also it's not painful but the blood didn't seem to stop

Surojah: my daughter sit down, so that I can explain somethings to you{she obeys her mother}. You notice that I am not surprised about the blood scene. My daughter !! Allah create the two genders differently, each with there different signs of maturity. What you see is a sign of maturity, its called menstruation . It's the blood that comes out from your vagina, if seen you are not injured but matured.

Salmah: but Ummi, is it only today this blood will come out? And what's the reason why the blood comes out from all ladies??

Surojah: the second question goes first. It was said by Asaatiz (scholars) that when Allah creates Adam and Hawau He put them in paradise and command them to eat all the edible things present except from a tree. He told them not to near it not to talk of eating from it. But Shaytan misled them and they pluck it. As they were about to eat it, Allah sent an angel to stop them, he hold Adam's pharynx so that the apple won't go far. That's why they called the pharynx present in men Adam's Apple . But Hawau had already eaten it so Allah command the Apple to come in form of blood in every women, Allahu A'alam (Allah knows best).

Salmah:{nods affirmatively} maashallah

Surojah: the second answer is that. It's a monthly period, you will see atleast seven days in a month, with the maximum of fifteen days. It varies for people

Salmah: oh, that's why my friends usually boasts that they are menstruating. They will tell me am not matured and we are of the same age

Surojah: Menstruation does not Comes with the matter of age, Allah creates bodies differently. Its from the range of ten years to probably fifteen and age fifteen is rare. Even nowadays 9 years do start. One can't say the exact age.

Salmah: ook

Surojah: my daughter I want you to know that you are now a matured lady please you have to be very careful in life. You have to take your religion very seriously as your bad deed are to be recorded from now.  Limit your plays with boys. Never do anything that will make you sin against Allah, pray regularly and pray for your future . May Allah guides you

Salmah: inshallah ummi, I will follow all your advice and thanks for the admonition

Surojah: I will get you a sanitary pad, teach you how to use it and enlighten you more

Salmah: {hugs her tight} thanks ummi. I am blessed to have you.  I love you

Surojah: {pecks her} I love you more ibnatii(my daughter)

Salmah: ok ma
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