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   Our stay at their house was peaceful and perfect,  I get well along with their children.  They loves me so much as I always treats them nicely and help them with their school work.

      Their Dad is not a Nigerian based,  he comes home once in a blue moons. He's also a nice man, he buys me and his children presents anytime he comes home .

          Ummi secured a job in a primary school as a teacher and her  meagre salary hardly sustain us if  not for her kind friend.

     Things continue to flow peacefully for months , but ill luck await us the day the Dad arrives from his trip. I was the only one at home{no money to proceed to university ' as I finish my secondary school at a young age}, Ummi had gone to work, likewise her friend. Their children had also gone to school.

   I was in my room retiring after completing my chores for the day,  I am wearing a not too covered singlet and a bumshot as i am the only one around.

    I heard a knock on the door of the room and thought it was ummi because we both share the room, I was surprised why she come back early as I proceed to open the door.

    To my greatest surprise and fear it was my mom's friend's husband,  I hurriedly rush back locking the door, hoping to get dressed and attends to him.

Hassan: {bangs the door}open the door

Salmah: please just give me some minutes sir..

Hassan: some minutes to do what??

Salmah: {stammering} I.. I....I

Hassan:{impatiently} just want to ask you something

Salmah: if you don't mind you can ask this way

Hassan:{break the door.. harshly} I just wanted to show you something and you fail to open the door.. {moves closer and stares at her seductively}. Why are you behaving like this.

Salmah{tries to run away} please sir, just say what you want to say

Hassan:{drags her closer} I love you,  you are a beautiful angel, i love you the very day I met you,  I promise to take care of you and keep it a secret between your mom and my wife

Salmah: Sir... please stop these, I am like your child. All these you are saying is inappropriate

   He moves closer and draw her nearer trying to strip her dress,she fearfully Jack off his hands and tries to escape, but he was fast enough to hold her tightly and push her to the bed, having no choice and a tint of hope left, Salmah grabs a vase and smash it on his head running out and he trails behind her hoping to catch her

Hassan:{holding his injured face and running after her}you must not go...

Salmah:{rushing out tearfully} I'm sorry sir..

    She storms off and he trails staggering behind holding his bleeding face
                                    ●Light off ●

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