Chapter I

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"Ladies and gentlemen, we thank you for riding with us today. We are slowly approaching the final stop. Please make sure that no personal items are left behind."

"We're here already? It felt like I just left and hopped on the bus." I thought to myself. I quickly and quietly looked through my luggage for a double check and checked my pockets to see if I still had my phone, luckily I still had it. I decide to have a quick look at it, only to see a LOT of unread messages from my parents.

"Even when I'm gone, they still worry for me."

You would think that this kind of thing would stop, even when I left to look for my own place to stay, but I guess that's not completely true. Not that I hate it of course; I love that they still care about me. But I wish that they would have a little bit of faith in me.

"We have arrived at Uncanny Valley. We hope to see you again soon." Says the voice on the intercom as the bus came to a complete stop. It wasn't long till everyone started to grab their stuff and got off, with me following shortly behind. Needless to say, I was glad that the journey was over.

"Ugh... What a long bus ride. But I'm glad I'm finally here!" I said to myself while attempting to smile and looking at everything around me. Taking in the surroundings, breathing in the air that's mixed with the nauseating aroma of bus exhaust and oil.

But since the bus station is located in the quieter spot in the whole city, so there's obviously nothing that you could do here. Well, there's not much to look at here at the Grayhorse bus station but I'm sure that the rest of the city is beautiful. That least that's what the brochure had said.

"Hopefully the apartment company was honest about having my new place ready for me to move in..." I say with a slight frown. The only thing that I need to worry about is the possible new place that I'll be living in.

My parents were the most worried about the whole thing: me moving out is one thing, and living in an unknown yet far away place is another. So naturally, they would be concerned.

"I better go and get my stuff," I say while entering the station. I quickly grabbed my modest amount of baggage from the bag claim, straighten my clothes, and walked toward the nearest visitor center. While there, I pulled out the brochure and looked at the list of places that I can go to.

"There's a cafe nearby, I am starving right now and it'd be a nice pick-me-up. I also kind of want to see the city, I could wander around a little bit. But I'm also pretty tired from the long ride here... Maybe I should head to my apartment and call it a day..."

Even though my options were limited to very few choices. But it still feels like I could still do a lot within a small amount of time. Plus, I still need to let my parents know that I have arrived safely. God the day hasn't even started yet, and here I am trying to figure out where to go first.

"...Okay, I'll go to..."




(You'll have to wait for the next chapter to know where y/n is going first. Also, I'm so so so sorry for being very behind and late with an update. I have made the plans for it but a lot of other things kept getting in the way of my plans.)

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